Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 241 The Dodge in Luo Shu's Eyes 3

Chapter 241 The Dodge in Luo Shu's Eyes 3
"this one"

When Di Qian faltered, she wouldn't say that she was in the middle class.

Otherwise, how embarrassing it would be, "Huh?"

"Can I choose not to tell you?"

Although Luo Shu had already guessed what Di Qian was thinking, he still wanted Di Qian to say it himself.

Let's admit it, she really cares about Luo Shu to this extent.

And Di Qian didn't want to admit such an embarrassing thing.

"You think you can get away with it?"

Luo Shu grabbed Di Qian's hand, so Di Qian couldn't escape even if he wanted to, so Di Qian felt a little embarrassed, why are there so many people here?

so embarrassed

In the end, Di Qian could only speak silently, "That... I thought it was a rotten peach blossom outside. So... the tone was a bit bad."

Di Qian's voice was so small that even the small ones could not be heard.

But Luo Shu pulled her into his arms forcefully, refused to let go for a long time, and brushed away the broken hair around her ears.

There was a promise in the doting voice, "Qianqian, there will never be that day."

And Di Qian went down the stairs, feeling that his sudden anger just now was unreasonable, and apologized to Luo Shu in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Brother Luo."

"No, how about you eat?"

Di Qian asked Luo Shu to let go of him, and after Luo Shu stole some sweetness on Di Qian's face, he let Di Qian go and sat down to eat his lunch.

Aunt Wang, who was standing aside, felt relieved after seeing the crisis resolved.

She knew that Mr. was the easiest to give in in front of Miss Di.

Di Qian received a call from Ma Ma, Luo Shu was having lunch, it would be impolite to answer the phone in front of her.

So Di Qian sneaked aside to answer the phone.

And Luo Shu watched Di Qian's back getting further and further away.

Until it disappeared in front of him, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant.

But the expression that appeared again was low and gloomy.

After a while, Luo Shu's cell phone rang again.

Luo Shu looked at the vibrating phone with dark eyes, and finally picked it up.

A delicate voice came from the phone, "Zoe, why did you hang up on me?"

The call Di Qian received just now was actually from this woman, but Luo Shu made some small gestures.

Lingo was transferred to Luoshu's mobile phone.

And Luo Shu said in a deep and indifferent voice, "Be quiet, don't make casual calls."

If you want to live longer.

And that delicate voice was still a little snickering, not afraid of Luo Shu's intimidation at all, "Zoe, I miss you~! Are you coming to Lin's tonight?"

This woman is actually Lin Zihuan.

For the bare-naked-naked invitation, Luo Shu's eyes were as cold as ink.

"Lin Zihuan, you'd better settle down in High A and don't have any extra thoughts."

Luo Shu put Lin Zihuan back to High A and asked her to continue studying two grades higher than Diqian, but if she touched Diqian's bottom line within her plan.

Then if he wanted to make her, Lin Zihuan, feel a hundred times worse than going to hell!
"Come here, Zoe~! I want to know more about you."

Lin Zihuan seemed to filter out Luo Shu's warning on purpose, and was still teasing Luo Shu.

But Luo Shu's language was shockingly cold, "Want to know me?"

"Yeah, Zoe, I want to know you from the inside out"

Lin Zihuan's tone was delicate and tender to the extreme, as if she was naked on the bed and was admired by Jun.

"Want to get to know me?" Luo Shu snorted coldly.

"Then go to hell and find out!"

After finishing speaking, cut off the phone!Luo Shu's gloomy face was a little indifferent, and he turned to the maids and Aunt Wang in the restaurant, "Don't say a word about this matter to Miss!"

 Group number: 543304322, this, Luo Shao will never cheat from the beginning to the end, please vote, please comment!Ask for five-star praise!
(End of this chapter)

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