Chapter 243 Probe and Disdain
But Di Qian's face did not have the purity of makeup.

She looks like a pure-pure-jade-girl.

But there are also auras of famous ladies in some wealthy families, and they also have inherent pride.

Di Qian felt that Brother Luo was really bad to a certain level, as if he couldn't listen to a cow playing the piano.

So it just came to an end.

Di Qian opened the car door, and then wanted to walk into the school quickly, away from this cool car.

But when she just entered the school gate, someone still cast a particularly contemptuous look at her.

The more Di Qian lowered his head, the more people surrounded him and looked at Di Qian. Di Qian didn't want to cause any trouble, and he didn't want to overexpose himself.

So he lowered his head and walked towards one of his teaching buildings.

But she was still looking at herself, as if she was saying: This is a woman who was enslaved and raised, with a vulgar aura all over her body.Gold digger.

Di Qian felt that it was not fair to herself. This school already had a lot of wealthy families, and it was because she was in class B that she didn't get into the special class that the young ladies of the wealthy families or young masters entered.

Is he being package-raised? ! !


And just as Di Qian was about to arrive at the teaching building, a blue Lamborghini supercar stopped in front of him.

Di Qian thought she was here to harass her son-in-law again.

I just don't want to bother.

But it was the two brothers and sisters of the Lin family who got out of the car!
Lin Zihuan and Lin Ziai!

Di Qian retreated subconsciously, but this was understood by the two people as Di Qian was afraid.

Both Lin Ziai and Lin Zihuan were wearing school uniforms, and Di Qian caught a glimpse of Lin Ziai and Lin Zihuan's breastplates.

Lin Ziai is in class A (1) in the first grade, while Lin Zihuan is in the genius class in the fourth grade.

Di Qian knew it, the two of them also belonged to this school, it was really a narrow road for enemies!Lin Ziai already knew Di Qian's identity now, but Lin Zihuan knew Di Qian's identity even earlier.

But the two of them have nothing to fear, they just want to hug the big tree of Mr. Luo firmly, and then march into the Luo family.

"Hey, who did I think it was? So it's Miss Teasa from Class B?"

Before Lin Zihuan could speak, Lin Ziai was chattering. Di Qian looked at Lin Zihuan and the talking Lin Ziai with indifferent eyes.

Di Qian felt really uncomfortable in his heart, looking at these two people made him feel uncomfortable.

And it also attracted pedestrians to watch.

"Even if I'm in Class B, according to the tradition of High A, you should call me Lin Zi-ai Xuemei!" Di Qian was extraordinarily cold, she didn't want to quarrel with anyone.

And here she really has the upper hand, because in the eyes of most people in High A, she is a gold-digger who has been taken care of.

And now Lin Ziai wanted to deliberately smear Diqian, she pouted her lips and pretended to be very hurt, "You vulgar gold worshiper, you still want me to call you senior sister?"

"High A doesn't have such a tradition!"

In fact, Lin Ziai has a higher innocence and sunshine than her sister Lin Zihuan, but Di Qian feels that her sister Lin Zihuan is gradually using her as a gun.

I am afraid that this kind of innocence will not be seen again in the future. It will be slowly discredited and eventually become another person.

"Whether there is such a tradition is up to me!"

When Di Qian said these words, there were more and more strange eyes around him.

And some of them made Di Qian unable to stay any longer, the temptation in these gazes was still disdainful.

(End of this chapter)

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