Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 282 Being Injected with Drugs 2

Chapter 282 Being Injected with Drugs 2
And like this, Di Qian ran towards the stairs.

But suddenly my head was dizzy.

Di Qian fell to the ground, eyes not completely closed.

I saw a few men coming up from the stairs in front of my eyes.

Di Qian knows.. There is something wrong with the water I just drank.

In this way, he fell into an endless coma.

And the man wearing a mask who chased after Di Qian appeared from the CEO's office only now.

His task is to lure Di Qian away, and then in a rare time, complete the token to the decision-maker of the Luo family, which is to find the pendant on Di Qian's neck.

But in the CEO's office, he didn't find it, so he knew it was still on Di Qian's neck.

However, when the masked man just approached Tei Qian, there were suddenly more men with pistols but equipped with silencers in the stairwell.

The leading man did not move too much.

Just one shot killed the man in the mask.

Then the foreign man in the front greeted the man behind, and carried Di Qian into a recyclable garbage disposal box they brought.

Then he swaggered and pushed Di Qian out of the Luo family.

Turn around and go into the alley, and load Di Qian into a car.

When the driver sees that the prey has arrived, he has already driven.

And the people behind took out a roll of tape, stuck Diqian's mouth with the tape, and tied Diqian's hand behind his back with a rope.

The bosses in front seemed very happy, because for them, a huge sum of money had just arrived in the account.

Then I called, and it didn't take long for the other part of the phone to answer the call.

A male voice said, "Is the person in hand?"

"It's here."

"Send her to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of New York." The male voice was a little low, but now the man with Diqian in his hand said, "Boss, let him dial 1000 million first."

And the leading boss thought about it seriously, "put 1000 million to my account first."

Then he took a photo of Di Qian in a coma and sent it to him.

The man immediately transferred 1000 million to these people, and the remaining 1000 million will be delivered to the location.

2000 million!
As far as Di Qian is concerned, those people who specialize in kidnapping people to make money also depend on whether they will post themselves in it.

Especially to the Luo family.If the other party hadn't set a high price of 2000 million, they would definitely not dare to take risks.

There are still some flaws in it, such as after they went.

There is actually a man wearing a mask? !

The man in this mask is not a member of their organization.

But Di Qian has already got it, and the 2000 million will be paid in full immediately.

People in these professions who make money by killing people have already done things successfully. Of course, these details are the problem.

It's not what they want to delve into.

Di Qian, who was sleeping in the car, was transported to an abandoned factory in the suburbs of New York in this way.

Once here, a man joined them and paid them the rest of the money.

As for the voice of the voice, these people didn't worry about whether it was the person on the phone, they could only say, take the money and leave, there are so many things in charge there.

When they were given what was sort of a lockbox, it was full of dollars.

Those who went to catch Di Qian's eyes lit up when they saw the dollar.

When ready to take it and leave.
The gunfire echoed in the abandoned factory.

All the people holding the password box fell to the ground.

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(End of this chapter)

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