Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 285 Being Injected with Drugs 5

Chapter 285 Being Injected with Drugs 5
A hoarse female voice sounded from behind Di Qian, "What do you want to do?"

Di Qian turned around and looked at the woman in front of him. Also, there was a man who seemed to be about 50 or [-] years old beside him.

There are scars on the face that make ordinary people frightened.

And that woman...wasn't it the woman who was sold to the underground arena in the Middle East by Brother Luo a year ago——Ming Na!

Ming Na looked at Di Qian in front of her, with deep anger and disgust in her eyes, "What? Miss Di's surprised expression? She seems to think she saw a ghost?!"

But Ming Na's current figure is even hotter, and she doesn't want the innocent look before at all.

Back then, she pretended to be crazy and foolish, but it was true!
Ming Na is also dressed in a particularly enchanting way, and the man with the scar next to her is still eating Ming Na's tofu.

But Di Qian looked directly into Ming Na's eyes, and his tone was also indifferent and mean, "The purpose of catching me?"

Di Qian looked at Ming Na indifferently, but Ming Na felt that such eyes and expressions were so familiar.

Because, it's like Luo Shu's eyes.

And this woman!Diqian this woman!Why can I get Luo Shu's love!
Why didn't Luo Shu love her, Ming Na, and sell her into such a dirty underground arena!

If it wasn't for me begging for perfection, I would have been played to death by the men below!
"The purpose of arresting you? Of course - to cut you into pieces!"

Ming Na said these bloody words to the extreme, but she continued in the next second, "You kneel down and beg me, I can consider letting you go."

Minna turned around and nestled into the arms of the man with the scar.

"Master Long, am I very bad?" His tone was so sweet that he would die, and then he stuck out his tongue and licked the scarred man's face.

The red lips and the enchanting figure wrapped around the man named Long Ye.

Of course, the dragon master who was fascinated flew to the sky.

Di lightly frowned, really disgusted.

And that Dragon Master was still teasing Ming Na in his arms, causing Ming Na to scream "Dragon Master~~!"

Di Qian looked at it coldly, while Ming Na nestled in Master Long's arms, her eyes seemed to be shooting knives, "Hang Di Qian in the middle of this room for me!"

Ming Na spoke indifferently, of course someone would come in, and if they really held the rope, they would hang Di Qian in the middle.

But Emperor Qian retreated steadily.

He was about to fight back, but a group of men surrounded him, grabbed Di Qian's hands and feet, and tied them up again.

Then Di Qian was really hung on the beam of the house!

Both feet are off the ground, and the entire weight is in the hanging hands.

Di Qian looked particularly embarrassed now.

And Ming Na gave Di Qian a disgusted look, with a sneer on her face, but more of it was hatred.

First let you hang around and taste the treatment she received in the underground auction for the first time.

Ming Na, without further ado, just kicked Di Qian in the stomach, and Di Qian's body began to shake.

Di Qian's stomach hurts, but he didn't cry out, he bit his lip and said nothing.

But Ming Na laughed loudly, "Di Qian! You also have today!"

After finishing speaking, Master Long hugged his waist and went to another room next door.

Di Qian wanted to curl up in pain.

And the sound insulation effect of the abandoned building is not good at all.

After a while, there was a blushing voice from next door, and Di Qian was suffering here.

Now she has nothing to do, and once again tries to pull the rope above, but it doesn't work.

At this time, he had no choice but to wait for someone to save him.

Otherwise, there is no other way!
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(End of this chapter)

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