Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 290 Being Injected with Drugs 10

Chapter 290 Being Injected with Drugs 10
And Ming Na seemed to have gone crazy, got up from the ground, and was about to give Di shallow water.

Push it into Diqian's mouth vigorously.

Di Qian's lips and eyes completely touched the bottle, but Di Qian refused to open his mouth.

This is tantamount to giving Di Qian a death sentence.

It is impossible to have children of myself and Brother Luo in this life.

Diqian's tears came out, you can't treat me like this
Diqian broke free from the rope tied around his arm, but no matter how much he pulled, he kept pulling.

Di Qian's current body is like a leaf about to fall in autumn, trembling constantly.

I was thinking in my heart, brother Luo, save me!
However, due to Di Qian's repeated vigorous shaking, the rope tied to Di Qian's arm was severely worn out.

Then it fell off.

When Di Qian fell down, his head hit a rock on the ground and he fainted.

And Ming Na was like a witch, looking at Di Qian who fell and fainted, the golden light in her eyes became more obvious.

"Hahaha, let you bitch resist again!!"

Then you have to pour the potion into Diqian's mouth, so that you will never be able to have children again in this life, and you will suffer for the rest of your life!Who told you to steal my man? ? ?
But just as Ming Na was about to fall in, she was pulled up by two men.

Ming Na saw the two men beside her, grabbed her arms, and then realized that these were the two men Lin Zihuan put beside her to protect her.

Then there was another man holding a box and walking towards Di Qian.

Open the box, there are syringes and medicine inside.

Ming Na thought they were here to save Di Qian, and yelled, "Lin Zihuan asked you to save her?"

But the man who grabbed Ming Na's hand did not speak, he just followed Lin Zihuan's order to do things, mercenaries, as long as they got the money, they could do anything.

Of course, Lin Zihuan didn't come here to save Diqian, she rescued Mingna, and she did it in front of a gun, of course it was for this time today.

If she didn't show up, she could use Ming Na's hand to do something.

I saw that as soon as the medicine was pushed into the injection, the man put the needle on Diqian's neck where there was a scar, and then gave him the injection.

Di Qian is now in a state of complete coma, because the back of the head was hit by a stone and bleeding.

I saw the liquid medicine in the needle tube pushed into Di Qian's neck little by little until it was completely inserted.

The man casually dropped the needle tube, then closed the box, and wanted to take it away.

"What did you inject her with?"

But the man who injected Di Qian with the medicine said, "AR-erode is newly developed in India, and the so-called antidote has not been developed yet." Ming Na was dubious about what the man said, but she still considered first. Drug Effect "What is the drug effect?"

"In the first few months, I didn't feel anything, but if I was cut by a sharp weapon, the bleeding would be unstoppable. In the later stage, it would start to itch, and any body would be like ants eating. The whole body was unbearable, and the skin would slow down. Slowly relax, until large chunks fall off, and finally the blood vessels will also clog and start to overflow”

These, just talking, have not seen yet.

But Ming Na still thinks that she is still in the same boat as Lin Zihuan.

"Hahaha, that bitch deserves to end up like this!!" But Ming Na looked at the man's raised gun in horror.

"what are you doing!"

The man replied coldly, "Miss Lin said that only the dead can keep secrets."

The bullet passed through the temple, Minna opened her eyes and looked at everything in front of her.
Die hard
(End of this chapter)

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