Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 292 His heart is in a panic 2

Chapter 292 His heart is in a panic 2
Luo Shu kept guard in the ward, just wanting the little princess to be able to see him when she woke up.

And until the next morning, Di Qian had no sign of waking up.

So in the ward, there was the sound of Luo Shu roaring.

"Didn't you say you can wake up in the morning? But what's the matter if you haven't woken up yet?!" Luo Shu almost grabbed the collar of the attending doctor!

quack!Luo Shu almost pointed a gun at the doctor's head.

But the attending doctor was very innocent, but there was still a trill in his tone, "Young Master Luo, the patient suffered a severe head injury. I just said that the best case would be this morning."

Luo Shu looked at the attending doctor deeply, and said a few words, "That's the worst!"

Luo Shu wants to know the worst.


This made it difficult for the attending doctor. He couldn't say he was a vegetable all his life. From a medical point of view, if the back of the head was hit, he might become a vegetable.

But looking at Luo Shu's cannibalistic expression, how could he tell Luo Shu that the impact on the back of the patient's head was actually not very serious.

Waking up was only a matter of time, but Luo Shu didn't want to wait even a minute.

C looked at Luo Shu as if he was about to explode, and hurriedly invited the doctor out.

Luo Shu is a little tired now, he didn't sleep all night last night, and has been guarding in the hospital until now, just wanting that when Di Qian wakes up, the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is Luo Shu.

There was a haze around him.

"Brother Luo, you are so fierce to the doctor, he will be afraid."

Di Qian's voice came slowly, and then began to cough violently.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Luo Shu saw that Di Qian had woken up, and was still coughing, so he immediately poured water into the glass with a kettle on the side, and then sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Di Qian.

Feed Di Qian and drink water.

Di Qian's lips were dry, and there was still gauze tied on his head, and there was some pain in the back of his head.

After finishing drinking, he pushed the water glass aside, "I'm full."

Luo Shu lowered his eyes to look at Diqian, but after looking at him, his eyes became deeper, but his voice was still low and hoarse, "Qianqian, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you well."

You have suffered, Luo Shu kissed Di Qian's forehead.

Saying that, Luo Shu held Di Qian's hand, lowered his head slowly, and his eyes collided with Di Qian's.

But Di Qian's voice was still hoarse. In fact, Di Qian is a person who is not afraid of these things. She is not afraid of being beaten, it is just a pain for a while, and she is not afraid of being tied up and hung up.

But the only thing she was afraid of was when Ming Na poured it into her mouth, calling it a potion that would make her unable to conceive in the future. At that time, she was really afraid.

She was afraid that she would not be able to conceive a child in the future, which would bring a burden to Luo Shu.

But Di Qian was trembling all over. She just remembered that she fell because the rope broke, and she didn't know anything about it after that.
Have you already fed yourself?
Thinking of this, Di Qian couldn't control her emotions, and tears fell down while holding Luo Shu.

"What's wrong? Qianqian?"

Looking at Di Qian like this, Luo Shu thought he hadn't arrived in time and frightened her.

"Qianqian, don't be afraid." Luo Shu comforted him.

But Di Qian grabbed Luo Shu's sleeve and held on tightly, "Brother Luo, I seem to have been given a potion that makes people infertile by Ming Na. Brother Luo."

(End of this chapter)

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