Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 297 His heart is in a panic 8

Chapter 297 His heart is in a panic 8
bouncing down
I saw Aunt Wang was still in the kitchen, holding things.

And Di Qian also wants to help.

At that time, carrying two-thirds of the rice porridge out of the kitchen had to be placed on the dining table, during this journey.

Before leaving the kitchen for a few steps, the rice porridge in his hand was dropped by himself along with the bowl.

The sudden lack of strength in the arm made Di Qian panic
However, Di Qian still felt that it was because his arms were tied for too long.

But now the bowl has been shattered into several pieces, with steaming rice porridge.

And Aunt Wang looked at Di Qian at this time, "Oh, little ancestor, you must not come in the kitchen, hurry up...go to the restaurant and wait."

As for Aunt Wang's fuss, Di Qian felt that she was a sick patient and had dropped bowls in the kitchen before, but Aunt Wang was not so excited.

"Aunt Wang, I'm sorry, I'll pick it up." Di Qian knelt down to pick up the pieces for Aunt Wang, Di Qian felt very sorry, she always caused endless troubles to others.

When it was served with the rice porridge that had just been boiled, it was a little hot, because when I went to pick it up, I shook it vigorously when I was burned, and my finger was scratched with a very big hole.

Blood began to flow out, and it was extremely painful.

It was the first time Diqian was injured in the kitchen.

Di Qian feels that the luck these days is really special.

What to do, nothing goes well.

And Aunt Wang saw that she was cut again and was still bleeding, so she immediately walked towards Di Qian's place, "Little ancestor, what are you doing here?"

Then I pulled Di Qian up from the ground, went to the kitchen to wash it with water, and then put on a band-aid.

"Put her hand down!"

A cold voice came from the stairs, and Aunt Wang saw Luo Shu who was hurrying down the stairs to her side.

"Sir, I'll go get the medicine box right away."

Then he crossed Diqian and left.

And Di Qian looked at Luo Shu helplessly, Luo Shu rushed over, picked up Di Qian's finger, looked at the finger that was still bleeding, and it was still flowing out.

Even Luo Shu was a little surprised by the extent of the bleeding, and his face was gloomy.

Immediately went to the bathroom on the first floor to wash.

"Maybe the scratch was too deep..." So she couldn't stop the bleeding. She remembered that her mother said that the more the wound was made, the faster the wound would bleed, because the stutter was very slow.

And Di Qian's blood type is extremely rare, so the whole family does not allow her to have any accidents.

And this time, is that all?

"Stupid, can't you just sit on a chair and eat in peace?!!!"

Luo Shu gritted his teeth and scolded the little woman in front of him with a look of hatred.

"Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing!!!"


Luo Shu thought in his heart, what kind of fallacy is this?
The surrounding area of ​​Luoshu is very foggy, and the sun cannot be seen.

But because the water was washing, the blood flowed out even more, and it couldn't be stopped?

But it was stopped in the end, and Di Qian's little face turned pale.

It felt like a lot of blood had flowed.

"Sir, Band-Aid."

Aunt Wang also appeared here. Luo Shu took the band-aid from Aunt Wang's hand, and then wiped off the blood and water stains on Di Qian's fingers.

Put the Band-Aid on Diqian's injured finger.

"All right?"

Di Qian's inexplicable appearance of this sentence made Luo Shu feel instantly annoyed.

"Don't enter the kitchen from now on!!"

(End of this chapter)

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