Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 317 Falling Into A Nightmare 3

Chapter 317 Falling Into A Nightmare 3
"Oh, Brother Luo, are you sick?" Lucky asked Luo Shu, feeling that although Luo Shu was deserted, he was not bad.

"Well, I'm sick." 12-year-old Luo Shu and five-year-old Lucky, the indissoluble bond between the two has always been going on.

"Does Brother Luo hurt? Lucky is here to give you a blowjob. Mama said that blowjob will be fine." So lucky got closer and closer to Luo Shu. The doctor didn't want her to get close to Luo Shu.

But Luo Shu gave him a look and stopped talking. Lucky picked up Luo Shu's cold hand and asked innocently: "Brother Luo, do you feel pain here?"

"En." Luo Shu was perfunctory, but the little princess Lucky blew up Luo Shu.

And still lightly.After blowing for a while, Luo Shu watched the little princess blowing here.

But not long after, Luo Shu's condition flared up, his face became paler and weaker, and his heart stopped. Lucky grabbed Luo Yun's hand and shouted: "Brother Luo!"

The doctor saw this situation, the young master was going to have a blood transfusion, but the little girl's blood was not drawn at all, the doctor was about to tell the nurse to draw blood no matter what, but was held down by Luo Shu: "Don't, don't hurt me. she."

In Luo Shu's heart, the current Lucky is like a little angel. He doesn't want to hurt his little angel. No one has ever cared about her like this, although the little girl may treat everyone like this.

"Young master, if you don't draw her blood, you will die!" The doctor didn't care so much, and asked the nurse to hold down lucky. Lucky was really scared when he saw the needle.

Shouted: "No, I don't want it!"

A nurse was quick to wit: "Lucky, if you don't draw your blood, the young master will die!"

Lucky looked at Brother Luo who was so pale on the bed, his heart sank, he ignored Brother Luo's words, and rolled up his cuffs to the nurse Dayi awe-inspiringly: "Suck it, as long as it can save Brother Luo, lucky is willing."

Hearing these words, Luo Shu, who was in pain on the bed, was about to shed tears. The doctors and nurses were taken aback, they didn't expect the little girl to be so obedient just to save the young master.

A lot of instruments were connected, and when the needle pierced Lucky's blood vessel, Lucky really cried without spine, it was really painful, she was afraid of needles since she was a child.

Luo Shu had no way to get up, so he asked the nurse to move the chair that lucky was sitting on to the nearest place to him, just enough to wipe away her tears with his hand.

Lucky couldn't cry, but seeing Luo Shu gradually getting better, she didn't feel sad anymore.

Seeing her blood running into Luo Shu's body, he held back the pain: "Brother Luo, is my blood in your body now?"

Luo Shu nodded: "Yes, it stayed in my body." Luo Shu didn't want her to cry, so he coaxed her softly, seeing that the flow rate was too high, he grimaced: "Turn the flow rate to the minimum for me! "

How can a child suffer from such a large flow rate?
The doctor still went to adjust to the minimum.

"Brother Luo, I'm dizzy." Lucky had already had a blood transfusion for 10 minutes, and Luo Shu had almost recovered, so she asked someone to pull out her blood transfusion.

"Come here, brother Luo will hold you and sleep for a while."

Lucky wanted to sleep to death, so he tiptoed onto Luo Shu's bed, and nestled in Luo Shu's arms, just like sleeping with his brother.

But when I was sleeping, I still didn't forget: "Brother Luo, if someone comes looking for me, you have to tell me! Otherwise, lucky will ignore you!"

"Well, sleep well, I'll call you."

(End of this chapter)

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