Chapter 364 Feeling Restless
Time slowly passed by the time of the new year, and Diqian's birthday was getting closer and closer.

Di Qian felt more and more restless.

Thinking of everything, I feel blushed, and now I have to leave China immediately.

Because the United States does not let go of holidays about China.

Naturally, the Spring Festival is not included in this.

And Qinyu originally wanted Di Qian to stay at home longer, and wanted Di Qian to ask for leave from school.

But because the school can't ask for leave, if you want to take a long leave, you really can only suspend school.

Of course Di Qian didn't want to leave Luoshu, so the coming-of-age ceremony that the family wanted to hold for her was also cancelled.

And now, when he was about to leave Di's house, the servant was helping Di Qian pack his clothes, and Di Qian was walking back and forth in his room, and woke up at six o'clock in the early morning.

Lying on the bed, I was counting my birthday with my fingers.

Uh. School starts the day after tomorrow, and then I did some calculations. The afternoon before my birthday, the school will be on holiday.

Then what Brother Luo said to himself, isn't it?
Coming soon? !

Di Qian thought about Luo Shu's extremely serious expression at that time, and the scene when he agreed at that time.

Di Qian felt that it was a moment of quick talk at the time, and she was only an adult on her birthday.
Just turned 18.
Di Qian began to fantasize in his mind about what Luo Shu's demeanor or expression would be like, and he blushed again thinking of this.

But now Di Qian is pacing in the room.

But in the next second, the door of Di Qian's room opened, and Luo Shu stood at the door of the room.

holding a small object in hand
Walk towards Di Qian.

Standing in front of Di Qian.

"Brother Luo, good morning."

Di Qian smiled obediently, but Luo Shu's black eyes looked at Di Qian, "Spread your palms."


But Di Qian subconsciously spread out his palms, and a string of beautiful racing car pendants were placed in Di Qian's palms, a very delicate little object.

But the stupefied look on Di Qian's face made Luo Shu feel that he didn't like it, so he wanted to take it out of Di Qian's hand.

But Di Qian knew when Luo Shu was about to come to pick it up, and immediately withdrew his hand and refused to give it to Luo Shu.

"Don't you like it?"

Luo Shu glanced at Di Qian, but still took his hand back, while Di Qian was playing with the delicate little racing car pendant.

"Who said I don't like it?"

"your expression."


Di Qian also heard Luo Shu's nonchalant tone, but Di Qian's heart was still throbbing.Di Qian felt that he could always bring unexpected touches to him.

Because of this small pendant, the model is the remodeled small racing car that I had when I was a child.

And this small pendant, of course, can satisfy all the thoughts in her heart.

"Thank you." Di Qian thanked Luo Shu, then stood on tiptoe and kissed Luo Shu on the side of Luo Shu's face.

"You're welcome."

Luo Shu was also polite to Di Qian, but in the next second he hugged Di Qian into his arms.

"Let's say goodbye to uncle and aunt." Luo Shu walked out of the room with Di Qian in his arms.

Of course, Di Qian also knew that today was the day when he was going to study in the United States. He felt that the holiday was really fast, so Di Qian responded in a deep voice.

The voice was particularly low and a little sad.

"What? Are you unhappy?"

Luo Shu bowed his head, his thin lips were close to Di Qian's face, his voice was still sexy, "The summer vacation is very long, we will come back to live during the vacation."

Luo Shu knew that Di Qian was a little sad because of this, so he promised Di Qian.


Di Qian nodded, looked at Luo Shu, looked at Luo Shu with his eyes, and Luo Shu kissed her face.


(End of this chapter)

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