Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 386 To Become More Like Me 4

Chapter 386 To Become More Like Me 4
"do not know…"

Di Qian's nausea was a little sudden. He turned on the faucet, filled his mouth with water, and then spit it into the sink.

After feeling a little better, but there was still some pain in the stomach tossing and turning, Luo Shu looked at the situation, and his face immediately changed.

He hugged Di Qian obliquely in his arms, and then went out of the bathroom, angrily yelling at the maid who was still cleaning in the living room!
"Call Pete over here!"

The servants did not dare to be negligent, and immediately stopped what they were doing, and went to find Dr. Peter who had been doing a private examination on Di Qian.

But Di Qian's current situation is not very good, his face is a little pale, and there is no trace of blood on his lips, Di Qian covers his abdomen with his hands.

The corners of his mouth were bitten so bloody.

And now Luo Shu has put Di Qian on the bed in the master bedroom, Di Qian looked at Luo Shu's frowning, and the frown between his brows.

Now Luo Shu can't wait to find out the reason why Di Qian is like this!
"Don't worry, I may have eaten something dirty."

Di Qian was comforting Luo Shu, of course she understood that there would be no problem with the food in the Luo residence.

The food in the Luo residence has been strictly checked, so it is very likely that it is caused by his own body.

Di Qian's eyes darkened...

That time she was kidnapped by Mingna... Could it be that Mingna did something to herself?
After she passed out, she didn't know anything.

Could it be? ... Di Qian didn't dare to think, and stared straight at Luo Shu in front of him.

She was afraid... for the first time, she was afraid.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Luo Shu leaned over and held Di Qian's hand, and Di Qian's cold fingertips made his heart tremble.

But he still made a promise to the disbelieving expression in Di Qian's eyes, "I promise."

And Pete came very quickly, and Aunt Wang took Pete into the master bedroom after a while.

"Mr. Luo." Pete gestured to Luo Shu to get up, and now he was going to check Di Qian.

At this moment, Di Qian was already in severe pain.

But Pete checked for a while, and there was nothing else he could do.

"Mr. Luo, the only way is to take an analgesic first... and then..."

Luo Shu grabbed Pete's collar, his anger was radiating, and there was a cannibalistic light in his eyes, "I want you to come, just to listen to your useless nonsense?!!"

Pete is also just a private doctor, and he really can't make a judgment on Diqian's current situation.

In Diqian's current situation, he had to take an analgesic first, and then consulted a famous expert.

"Mr. Luo, what you're doing will only make Miss Di suffer even more." Pete was also very helpless, but he could only reply tremblingly.

Luo Shu let Pete go "Hurry up!!!"

Luo Shu was so anxious that he smashed his hands against the wall! In an instant, the solid wall became a nest, and blood flowed down the wall.The smell of blood is in the air.


Di Qian groaned because of the tingling sensation when the needle entered the arm muscle, and the sweat on his forehead had already wet the hair on his forehead.

In the end, the medicinal properties of the analgesic came into play.

Because of the pain, Di Qian also reached a certain level, and slowly Di Qian's tightly closed eyes and frown were loosened.

Because of the pain, I fell asleep slowly at the end...

At this time, C rushed in with a stack of documents in his hand regardless of his master and servant.

His eyes were flustered and unbelievable.

"Boss, the latest report of Miss Di's physical examination."

Because Diqian was kidnapped last time, Diqian's blood will be re-examined and physical examination every once in a while.

And last time, it was indeed the negligence of the medical team led by C.

(End of this chapter)

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