Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 394 Poisonous hair, I just want to hug you 7

Chapter 394 Poisonous hair, I just want to hug you 7
Di Qian's hand, under the warm water, finally had a trace of warmth from external force.

Luo Shu watched Di Qian's blood being washed away from the pool, but the next second the blood rolled out from between the wounds on his fingers.

His stern expression was full of killing anger.

For a moment, Di Qian felt that he was wrong, but he was right.

But the fierce energy was only fleeting, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Brother Luo, what's the matter with you?"

Di Qian asked Luo Shu again uncertainly, thinking in his heart, could it be that he found out that he skipped class today, so he wanted to get angry at himself and was unhappy?
But I haven't seen him come back and bring it up?

As soon as I got home, I went into the study room, didn't even say a few words to myself, and even said it in a perfunctory tone. This made Di Qian uncomfortable, and felt as if she had been abandoned by Luo Shu Same.

Instantly felt that Luo Shu's love for him was not enough.

Or is it. Is it bored?But looking at Luo Shu's concentration on dealing with his wounds, it was difficult for Di Qian to imagine that Luo Shu didn't love her anymore.

"No." After a while, Luo Shu said this sentence. Luo Shu said this coldly, the deep meaning in his eyes was also very obscure, and he was agitated in his heart. He didn't talk about her, and he didn't vent his anger on Di Qian. body.

But obviously, Luo Shu is not in a good mood right now.

The aura around him was very shrouded in this hazy atmosphere.

"Did something happen?" Di Qian still asked, "Is something not going well?"


Luo Shu categorically denied his inner emotions. Finally, under the washing of warm water, Di Qian's fingers stopped bleeding, and a small stream of blood still flowed out. The shadow in Luo Shu's eyes became more obvious, with the anger suppressed deep in his heart. Will explode.

"Aunt Wang. Call Pete."

Luo Shu thought of what the old professor said, natural scarring is impossible, because the platelets have no effect now, so they still can't coagulate until now.

"Wouldn't it be better to put a Band-Aid on it?"

Di Qian felt that there was absolutely no need to find a private doctor to do this, making a fuss over a molehill.

But at this time, Luo Shu's eyes were turned to Di Qian's body, and his tone was a bit fierce, "Next time, don't let me see you doing these things, these things will naturally be done by servants!"

Now Luoshu's cloudy weather is uncertain, and Di Qian was a little stunned, but he knew he was wrong, and thought he was angry about going to the hospital today, "It's okay if you can't see it?"

Di Qian felt that it was not a big deal to clean up the dishes, but if it was a big deal, she should be more careful in the future and not let herself be scratched again?

"Listen to me carefully!"

Fearing that Diqian wouldn't be able to listen, he said to Aunt Wang who had already called Pete, "Next time whoever makes Miss touch something that shouldn't be touched, get the hell out of Luo Zhai."

"Good good."

Di Qian was speechless.

Di Qian wanted to make Luo Shu happy and don't look so lifeless, she also looked fierce.

Luo Shu looked at Di Qian, his face was still rosy and healthy, but it was even more ruddy than now.

She doesn't look like a sick person at all, she looks like a healthy person.

"Hey, didn't you always like that kind of healing before?"

Di Qian stretched his finger to Luo Shu's mouth. Last time, Luo Shu strongly demanded the saliva to heal, and licked until no blood flowed out.

But Di Qian strongly refused at that time.

Therefore, Di Qian thought, if he is so angry, he will follow his previous intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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