Chapter 422 Body Pain

At night, in Luo Zhai
Di Qian at the dining table was eating dinner absent-mindedly.

Since she went to the Institute of Biology today, she has been absent-minded.

After Aunt Wang brought the Chinese medicine that Di Qian wanted to drink, Di Qian drank the Chinese medicine in front of him without any hesitation.

Now she no longer rejects the traditional Chinese medicine in front of her at all.

And Luo Shu sat opposite Di Qian and had dinner.

Since Di Qian's appetite is getting worse and smaller, Aunt Wang is cooking meals in different ways.

But Di Qian was already a carrier of the virus, so for the first time, he asked Aunt Wang to add a pair of serving chopsticks on the table.

She didn't dare to risk Luo Shu's health.

But Luo Shu turned black when he asked Di Qian to join the public chopsticks.

But Di Qian immediately explained in a panic, "Brother Luo, I'm afraid I'll infect you!"

But Luo Shu was a little annoyed, "Didn't you attend class well today?" Luo Shu was a little angry, because the old professor said that there is only blood infection, and there is also blood infection from taking her.

And now eating can also be contagious?

No wonder she refused when he wanted to kiss her today!
On the other hand, Di Qian's eyes dimmed and she was flustered, "It's better to be just in case." She couldn't try Luo Shu's life.

"I don't even care!"

"But I care!"


The two of them were about to quarrel again, but Di Qian immediately grabbed the fuse of the two of them.

get up...

"I'm tired, let's take a shower first."

The conflict between Di Qian and Luo Shu is getting bigger and bigger now, not because of anything else, but because of the infection.

Now Diqian doesn't want to... have such close contact with Luo Shu.

Because she is a carrier of the virus.

In the bathroom of the second bedroom on the third floor.

Sitting in the bathtub, Di Qian thought a lot, all she could think of was the future she was afraid to face... She was so dazed that she didn't know what would become of the future...

Will he be immobile on the bed waiting to die?
Or die with dignity?

She had already discussed with Luo Shu, and she could not tell her family about this matter.

They will be worried, and Brother Luo will have a hard time.

Tears flowed down her cheeks, Di Qian wiped them away once, and the tears flowed down again wantonly...

I can't cry anymore, if I cry again, I will get red eye circles, and then I will be found out...

Di Qian sat in the bathtub with her head raised, the warm water flooded her neck, and then she immediately held her breath and covered her head with the water in the bathtub.

She shouldn't think too much... But too many things are rushing into her mind, and she didn't come out of the water until Diqian couldn't hold her breath.

Diqian soaked for a long time before coming out of the bathtub. Although the heat of his body was covered by the hot water just now, it was still icy cold now.

It's like it's engraved in the bone.

Putting on her pajamas, Di Qian picked up the hair dryer to dry her hair. In the mirror, her eyes were red and her face was pale, not rosy at all. Di Qian wanted to wipe something, but she still didn't act.

While blowing his hair, Di Qian drew a curve in front of the mirror, practicing to smile more naturally.

Suddenly, Di Qian flicked his long hair with a hair dryer, but in the next second, Di Qian's stomach still had some severe pain.

Di Qian immediately threw aside the hair dryer that hadn't been turned off, and hugged her stomach. In the bathroom, Di Qian almost fell down on the cold marble slab.

After the pain passed, Di Qian almost collapsed.


"Miss Di didn't feel the severe pain because the Chinese medicine that Miss Di drank contained an analgesic."

But why this time... still so painful...

(End of this chapter)

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