Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 489 Absolute Love, New Zealand 7

Chapter 489 Absolute Love, New Zealand 7
But time passed quickly, for Di Qian, what Lin Ziai meant was to let her sleep until the wedding.

In order to prevent Luo Shu from finding out, Mr. Luo has already controlled the servants of the Luo residence.

And C, and Luo Yan have long been controlled by Mr. Luo, so the one who has no formal understanding of everything now is Luo Shu.

In order to protect Li Mengmeng, Luo Yan could only agree to the old man's request...

But Mr. Luo just wanted to force Luo Shu to marry Lin Zihuan for real, but he didn't expect that people's hearts would always change. Luo Shu almost drove the Lin family to death...

How could Lin Zihuan and Lin Ziai still be at the mercy of Mr. Luo? !

Now Lin Zi loves to think, all he wants is revenge...

Kill Luo Shu...to take revenge! ! !

Hahahaha... Lin Zi's smiling face became grim, and he didn't have the innocence before, but now there is only killing...

There is only killing in his eyes...


new zealand grassland

It is still 50 miles away from Luoshu's ranch.

In a deserted dilapidated house.

Di Qian's hands and feet were tied up, and his body was also tightly bound so that he couldn't move, his mouth stuck to his footsteps.It was not an uncomfortable feeling at all, and it was very similar to the feeling of being kidnapped last time.

Di Qian's heartbeat was speeding up, his eyes wanted to open, but his head was still dizzy, and there was still pain from being beaten on his neck...

The painful Diqian wanted to grin his teeth...

Di Qian suddenly woke up, her eyes were gray, she closed her eyes and opened them again, but the effect was still the same...

Di Qian saw that he was in a barren and old room, and he couldn't move his whole body...

How is this going? !Di Qian immediately realized that this was not a dream... I remembered that I was in the Luo family's ancestral hall and was knocked out...

She woke up suddenly and completely, and looked down to see that she was sitting on a chair, and her legs and hands were all tied to the chair. In this dilapidated house, because there are gaps, the sun will still shine in. Di Qian did it. The place is where the sun shines in. Although there is no light in the room, there is also sunlight outside, so Di Qian still knows in a daze that it is daytime here.

But she still doesn't know where she is, and she doesn't know that she is no longer in the United States, and she has been in a coma for nearly two days...

And her current location is in a barren wooden house, because there are weeds growing in it.

Lush green, Diqian's neck was struck violently...

It's still in pain now, and Di Qian feels... already swollen...

Looking at the things in front of him soberly, Di Qian knew in his mind that she was really kidnapped...

But in a heavily guarded place like the Luo family, they can be kidnapped...

Di Qian's heart tightened...

I already have the answer in my mind...

Mr. Luo——

Di Qian looked at the dilapidated window that was about to fall.

The windows were not blocked, the sky was not yet dark, and the room was not considered dark, but Diqian was sore from the knock on the back of his neck and the glare of the sun...

Close your eyes slightly to avoid the glare of the sun, but your brain is running fast.

Thinking that it was Mr. Luo who kidnapped her.

This is absolutely unmistakable...

But why put her here, not in the Luo residence?

So Di Qian was a little undecided, but he knew in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with Mr. Luo!!!

(End of this chapter)

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