Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 506 His bride is not her 5

Chapter 506 His bride is not her 5
The atmosphere has reached an extremely stuffy freezing point.

After arriving, Luo Shu smashed things down as soon as he got there, all over the floor, "Hand over the formula of the antidote to me!!!"

This time, Luo Shu no longer had the pleasant look of the past, because he suddenly didn't want to play this scene with Lin Zihuan anymore...

He felt that this was unfair treatment to Di Qian. Even if he wanted to get the antidote formula... he couldn't use the two of them's previous love as an issue.

However, if you don't take advantage of this love, you won't have the only chance to get the antidote, then Di Qian will die...

That's why Luo Shu is so angry!

Lingo looked at Luoshu smashing things all over the ground, every time it seemed like he was going to kill someone, it made people shudder.

Lin Zihuan stared at Luo Shu, lying on the cold ground, the doctor wanted to bandage her wound, but Lin Zihuan pushed her away, her pale lips were still parted and closed, "Zoe, don't you want the antidote formula? ? If you agree to my next request, then I can give you the antidote right now!!"

Luo Shu stared at her sharply, and lowered his head to her lips to listen.


Luo Shu clenched his fists, wanting to see what conditions she, Lin Zihuan, had.

"That is, we will get the certificate now and register for marriage." On Lin Zihuan's pale face, there was a smile, and the blood stains on the snow-white wedding dress made people feel abnormally gloomy, "Why? Is this condition difficult? The wedding may not be held, but I want the status of a legal wife, and after receiving the certificate, I will hand over the formula of the antidote to save your lover."

Lin Zihuan is now preconceived and directly calls Di Qian his lover, but how could Luo Shu let Lin Zihuan insult Di Qian like this? !

The veins are bulging, and now I want to shoot Lin Zihuan directly and let her die!

"I'm sorry, please give way to Young Master Luo!"

The doctor called in other bodyguards to help him and stepped forward to lift Lin Zihuan, otherwise it would be difficult for him to carry out treatment activities.

And Luo Shu was pushed to the side, Luo Shu became very angry immediately, his eyes almost popped out, and he cursed at a medical staff, "Get lost! Put Lin Zihuan down!!!"

Luo Shu's anger shocked everyone.

Lingo looked at his furious face, and wanted to say something, Lin Zihuan couldn't lose too much blood, otherwise, something would happen, and there would be no second Lin Zihuan, and there would be an antidote.

But now Luo Shu is directly in a state of rage.

But Luo Shu couldn't listen to anyone's words anymore, he pushed the medical staff away, and hugged Lin Zihuan into his arms again, without any emotion, "Except for this! I can promise you anything else I want !!Money?! Or power!! Or I can give you the entire Luo family!! All of these are fine! Only this is not allowed!!”

How can it be!How could Luo Shu betray Di Qian? !He can give anything, and he can take nothing!But this just doesn't work! !

Lin Zihuan fell on his arms, looking at him with blurred eyes.Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, "But Zoe, that's all I want. I don't care about the rest."

In fact, Lin Zihuan has always wanted to get close to Luo Shu to achieve the purpose of revenge, but he also wanted to suppress the emotions in his heart.

From the moment she first met Luo Shu when she was a child, she has a deep love.

In her heart, remove those impurities, she loves him.

(End of this chapter)

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