Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 524 I don't want anyone but you 7

Chapter 524 I don't want anyone but you 7
Hearing Lin Ziai's words, Di Qian looked at her suddenly, not knowing what she meant, and suddenly changed what she was about to do...

And it changed what she had planned for so long.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, say, what conditions do you want." Luo Shu's voice was almost without warmth, and he also knew that even if Lin Ziai wanted conditions, it would be difficult for him to make the choice.

Lin Ziai sneered with a smile: "Young Master Luo asked me what conditions? So Di Qian ordered you to give me this?! Hehe... Seeing the expression on your face that you want to kill me, I'm afraid you don't want to... Hehe... In that case , and asked me what conditions? Apart from money, what else can you give?!"

"Isn't the purpose of talking so much to me to save Diqian bitch? Want to procrastinate? Ask for help? Luo Shu, you're delusional."

Lin Ziai raised her eyebrows: "Originally, I planned to let her feel the feeling of being raped by several men, and to give back to you, Young Master Luo's gift, but now that you are here, I don't have to do it many times, and you also Did you help me before? Didn't stop me, let me kill Lin Zihuan directly, I should repay you."

When Lin Ziai said this, Luo Shu knew that she was talking ironically, but he still wanted to continue hearing what she was going to do...

"I, Lin Ziai, can make sacrifices, so don't be grateful to me..."

"That is, the two of you can only live as one. Hehe... Isn't this game fun?" Lin Ziai put away her pistol, pointed at Luo Shu with one hand, and then twirled her finger in front of Luo Shu's chest , was thrown away by Luo Shu in disgust, "One will die here with me, and the other can continue to live in this world, and live a painful and lonely life in the future... Hahaha... I don't know which one of you is willing?!"

"I really want to see that person who is alive, yelling that every day should not be done, and the earth is not working. I don't know what kind of expression he will have at that time? I am really looking forward to it."

This is much better than pure torture... Hehe...

"Lin Ziai, shut up! We won't be bewitched by you..." Di Qian was very angry.

"it is good."

Before Di Qian finished speaking, Luo Shu's voice interrupted her directly. The voice was very light, as if he had already guessed the other party's intention before coming.

Di Qian's eyes turned to Luo Shu in an instant, but he saw that he was always extremely calm, caressing his face with his big hand, and then said to Di Qian, "Be good, be obedient."

Then he got up and stood on the opposite side of Lin Ziai...

With Luo Shu like this, Di Qian feels crazy...

"Brother Luo! Are you crazy?! Lin Ziai lied to you, she would never let me go! Don't answer her!" Di Qian looked at him impatiently, eyes full of disbelief.

how can he say yes

How could he agree.

How could he let go of his hand.

Seeing that Di Qian's eyes were red and swollen, but he was instantly angered because he agreed to Lin Ziai's request, which was probably a bubble, but Luo Shu didn't look at her again, but the peripheral vision in his eyes was still there. His eyes.Looking at Lin Ziai who raised a gun to him.

It's easy to say:
"Let her go, I'll stay."

"Brother Luo! Luo Shu! Don't believe her nonsense, we said that we will die together! Don't agree to her!" Di Qian struggled on the chair, his voice was hoarse, he didn't want...he didn't want to promise Lin Ziai this matter.

Luo Shu held back the ripples in his heart, and just said, "Silly, I can't bear it."

I don't want you to die...

(End of this chapter)

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