Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 527 I Hate You 1 Forever 2

Chapter 527 I Hate You Forever 2
But now Luo Shu didn't pay attention to it at all, ignoring Di Qian's crazy roar at the side.

He wants to create this opportunity for her!
"I have already said what I should say. As long as you shoot yourself at the place where you have an old wound on your left shoulder, I will give her a chance to escape. I know Luo Shu that you will shoot... Now is to prove you Love her chance."

As soon as Lin Ziai's voice fell, Di Qian stared at Luo Shu, "No! Luo Shu, how dare you shoot yourself!!"

She shook her head frantically. The doctor said that if that arm is injured, it is very likely...he will face paralysis of the whole hand, and the left hand will be useless at that time.

She is unwilling...not willing to take risks, she is unwilling to risk Luo Shu's life! !
But Luo Shu ignored her at all, Di Qian's chest was so constricted now that she wanted to speak, but she couldn't even speak at this moment.

Diqian knows...

Even if Luo Shu dared to come, stepping here was enough to show his sincerity to her, but she didn't want him to show that she wanted a healthy Luo Shu.

But it seems that the worst preparations have been made.

That is... save her! !

Luo Shu would not agree to the disgusting condition that made him have a relationship with Lin Zihuan, because she saw that he couldn't even say three simple words to Lin Zihuan, so how could he... How could it be possible to have a relationship with other people.

But since there is no other way, he will definitely agree to this request.

Lin Ziai fell behind, and just put the muzzle of the gun on the old wound on his left shoulder, and even raised his eyebrows and sneered: "I still remember very clearly how this wound came about, Young Master Luo went to the airport Jie Diqian, and then she insisted on leaving, that's why you shot in your arm... right?... Hehe...Luo Shu, you are really a... kind?!"

"Do you think that after hearing your so-called love story, I will soften my heart and let you go? Or let Diqian leave. I, Lin Zixin, are not so good...Today I suddenly want to change the way the game is played, so Luo Shu, cherish it or not Cherish, it all depends on you, whether you die with Diqian...or let me give Diqian 8 minutes, it's all up to you."

"Oh, that's right." Lin Ziai suddenly smiled and said: "I guess you still have some clever tricks, you don't need me to explain the situation here to you, right? Do you think you will bring people to surround me soon? Is it successful? To tell you the truth, the controller is not with me, and... as long as I detonate it, no one can survive in this range."

"Think about it, you and Di Qian, as well as the people or things within this range, can be destroyed immediately, and go to hell with me. Think about it, I, Lin Ziai, also made money, right?"

As she spoke, she slammed the muzzle of the gun down on Luo Shu's shoulder where there was a wound, as if deliberately trying to hurt him, but also as if she felt uncomfortable seeing Luo Shu's always calm face .

This man has no anger or fear at all! !

Why is there no expression?Why is Di Qian not as excited as she is now?

Angry mood? !
However, when Lin Ziai smashed the gun head on Luo Shu's arm more and more fiercely, the gun in Lin Ziai's hand fell into the air, but Luo Shu suddenly raised his hand and directly held the pistol .

(End of this chapter)

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