Chapter 541
"You can eat what you cook?!"

Gu Cheng feels very disgusted, this man probably doesn't know how to cook... Did he have a convulsion today?
"Go wash up first."


After Gu Cheng finished washing, he sat in front of the dining table and started. Mo Qingshen came out of the kitchen with two plates of fried omelets, and gently placed the plates in front of Gu Cheng's eyes. Gu Cheng kept his head down.I was teasing the big fool, and then I gave it the caviar for the big fool, and then said to the big fool, "Go and eat your own."

Dasha's bowl is full of dog food, and it's really unappetizing for a snow mastiff to eat dog food and cooked meat.

And Mo Qingshen was also sitting across from Gu Cheng, "It's something in the forest, so it can't always be kept as a dog." Mo Qingshen was suggesting to Gu Cheng.

But Gu Cheng didn't want to talk too much about it, he couldn't feed it raw food, otherwise, the wild nature would come out, it was something that could kill people.

"I didn't expect you to really know how to cook. Just now I was wondering if you would poison me to death."

Mo Qing smiled softly, "Is cooking so bad?"

"Anyway, I don't want to cook, or you'll cook it for me all the time." Gu Cheng was originally a joke, but he didn't expect Mo Qingshen to follow up easily, "Okay."

Gu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then quickly raised his head in the next second, even the hand that teased the fool stopped moving, looking at Mo Qingshen in a suit and apron in front of him, Gu Cheng had a long time to think, and then the corner of his mouth twitched. Laughing, "What's wrong with you today? Are you having a convulsion or a fever? Come cook here?!"


Mo Qingshen's eyes were a little displeased, but he still calmed down, "What did you just say?"

But Gu Cheng just shrugged his shoulders, then got up, put down the omelette in his hand, went to the kitchen first, took the beef from the refrigerator, and boiled it in water.

Prepare breakfast for Dasha.

Then he continued to return to his seat, Gu Cheng didn't say anything, he lowered his head and continued to fry the omelette, while Mo Qingshen's face was very gloomy and cold, "I don't have a convulsion in my head, and I don't have a fever."


Mo Qingshen also sat down to have breakfast, Gu Cheng wanted to speak sarcastically several times but finally held back, but even though the two of them didn't have a single conversation throughout the whole process.

Gu Cheng sneered, what are you doing here?Didn't he just want to ask why he was the only one who came out during the transaction?
Mo Qingshen, you still don't believe me.

But Mo Qingshen still felt very satisfied eating with Gu Cheng. After so long, he finally had the peace of mind that Gu Cheng could touch.

"I have something to do in the afternoon and I will be back in the evening."

"it is good."
and at night

Gu Cheng returned to the apartment very late, and when he saw Mo Qingshen's car parked downstairs, Gu Cheng guessed whether he had left or not.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a few light dinners on the dining table, and Mo was affectionate, leaning on the sofa and watching TV. When he saw Gu Cheng coming in, he immediately turned off the TV and got up.

Mo Qingshen seemed to have taken a shower, and was wearing home pajamas.

Gu Cheng stared at Mo Qingshen, and finally couldn't help but said, "What are you going to do? It's so late, why don't you go back to the manor?!"

Gu Cheng thinks that Mo Qingshen is crazy, right? !He could actually stay here for one night, but at this time, the big fool who was far away from Mo Qingshen saw Gu Cheng came back, and immediately ran over to make out with Gu Cheng.

Just treat him as Mo Qingshen as a scourge...

"I'm asking you something... Mo Qingshen, don't pretend to be dumb."

(End of this chapter)

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