Chapter 544
The red wine bottle in Gu Cheng's hand was accidentally knocked down by his hand, and the bright red liquid inside flowed out of the bottle...

Gu Cheng was half drunk, then lay down on the table, kept pulling the buttons on his chest, and then mumbling and writing something, with a serious expression...

"Gu Cheng?"

Mo Qingshen wanted to know what he was muttering, knowing that he was not a good drinker, and the country where Mo Qingshen was born was famous for drinking strong alcohol, so red wine was not a problem.

But in the end, Gu Cheng didn't say anything clear, and Mo Qing couldn't listen very clearly. He got up, walked around the table to Gu Cheng, and gently pushed Gu Cheng, but Gu Cheng was still mumbled. Clearly muttering something.

Mo Qingshen never thought that there would be now, they could sit opposite each other in such a peaceful way, and of course they still spoke ill of each other...

But it was much better than before. Mo Qingshen thought of this, but immediately interrupted his inner thoughts, no...he can't think like this...

Gu Cheng is the child of his enemy, and the reason why he is so close now is because he wants to know and understand one thing.

In addition to what Ji An said, there is one more important...

However, just as he was about to hug Gu Cheng, his hand just touched Gu Cheng's waist. Gu Cheng felt that someone was touching him, and he was very upset...

Then he faltered like a child and pointed at Mo Qingshen's face, innocently like a child, "Well, there are two Mo Qingshen...hehe...there are two big villains."

Mo Qing's eyes are deep and deep. In his eyes, he is indeed a villain. Everything... has been done to him...

He had no choice but to bend down and whisper in Gu Cheng's ear, "You're drunk.
. " Then he suddenly wanted to justify something ridiculous, "I'm not a big villain. "

At this time, Gu Chengkou was speaking Chinese, but his eyes were still foggy, "Don't look at me with such a caring expression... Mo love is deep, I will be addicted... I know... I know everything... Do you want Want to get my stuff, hee...but unless I tell can't find it at all...hehe..."

While Gu Cheng said this, he buried his head under the table vigorously, but Mo Qingshen didn't understand Chinese, so he ignored this information, if he could understand Chinese.

Then... he will definitely despise himself...

Gu Cheng knew it a long time ago...he has always been clear about what he wants to do...but he still acts like a fool.

"Go take a shower first."

Mo Qingshen has not forgotten his purpose at all... He has not lived for a long time...

Gu Cheng raised his head drunkenly, glanced at Mo Qingshen, then laughed like a lunatic, and buried his face in his arms again.

Just don't want to leave this table.

He lifted Gu Cheng up from the chair, Gu Cheng's body was swaying, and Gu Cheng was still like a child, not cooperating with his movements.

In the end, Mo Qing was furious and directly hugged Gu Cheng.

The voice was so gentle that he didn't even think of it, but the expression was so serious and impatient, Gu Cheng smiled again, "That's right... this is Mo Qingshen..."

The blush on Gu Cheng's face became even redder, and his tone was harsh as usual, "I don't want the old scoundrel to hug me...I'm obviously a man."

And Mo Qingshen didn't care about his crazy words at all.

"Go take a shower first." Mo Qingshen said softly, "We'll go to sleep after taking a shower."

(End of this chapter)

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