Chapter 546
And at two o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Cheng woke up. When he woke up, Mo Qingshen was no longer here. After Gu Cheng got up, his whole body was sore...

It was like being crushed, but soon, Gu Cheng adjusted his emotions, tried to avoid depression, and then opened the quilt, only to see that his body was covered with purple marks.

Gu Cheng's eyes sank, and he casually went to the bathroom to wash up. Just as he entered the bathroom, his phone rang, but he didn't hear it...

Coming out of the shower, Gu Cheng wiped his hair with a towel, and he was also wearing a loose bathrobe. He was in it just now and saw Mo Qingshen's clothes.

Gu Cheng didn't want to think too much, he pursed his lips, went to pick up a glass of white boiled water, then found a white medicine bottle in the depths of the cabinet on one side, frowned, took out the last few pills, and then mixed it with water After eating, the white medicine bottle was casually thrown into the garbage bag aside.

But at this time, the phone rang again, Gu Cheng went to answer it, his eyes sank, it was because of Mo's deep love, now Gu Cheng didn't want to answer his call.

As soon as his eyes sank, he hung up the phone without any hesitation.

But after hanging up, Gu Cheng also saw the call from his doctor, but just as Gu Cheng was about to call, Mo Qingshen's call came again...

Gu Cheng restrained the urge to throw the phone, but he didn't suppress his anger, "Why... why are you calling?!"

But Mo Qingshen on the other side of the phone was not angry, but secretly concealed his smile, "What? Woke up, how do you feel?"

Gu Cheng didn't want to talk to him, "If you want to talk, just talk, if you don't want to talk about the main point, I'll hang up the phone." Gu Cheng frowned, and just as he put the phone away, he heard Mo Qingshen's continuing voice.

"Don't hang up, Gu Cheng."


"I just want to hear your voice."

Gu Cheng really felt bored, and seriously felt that Mo Qingshen was working too hard to get things, "Don't work so hard, I won't tell you about Mo Qingshen... Okay, that's it, I'm tired, I don't want to talk nonsense .”

After finishing speaking, Gu Cheng hung up the phone with a look of disdain...

Then he called his doctor, and the call was connected immediately, and he said to Gu Cheng, "Mr. Gu, your appointment time is up, but Dr. Potter hasn't seen you for a long time."

"I'm sorry, I'll be right over." Gu Cheng then remembered that Dr. Potter was his psychiatrist...

He suffered from moderate depression... But since he didn't want to be like this, so he wanted early treatment, Mo Qingshen didn't know... Gu Cheng went there by himself every time.

He went to the hospital with a blank face, and came back with a smile on his face, but if he saw Mo Qingshen, then he would not smile immediately, and some would just be disgusted.

In the end, Gu Cheng was about to rush to the hospital at a very fast speed. He went downstairs to grab some food for Dasha, but when he got to the place where Dasha was eating, Gu Cheng had already seen the dog in the bowl. grain.

With a sinking heart, I still went out.

After Gu Cheng left the apartment, it was past two o'clock in the afternoon when his psychiatrist called again.

"Mr. Gu, you haven't come yet, is it because of something that delayed you?"

"Uh...I'm sorry Potter, I forgot to tell you some things these few days." Gu Cheng tried his best to speak tactfully.

"I still have two hours to get off work, so Mr. Gu, you still have time." The doctor said.

(End of this chapter)

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