Chapter 555
Ji'an was sweating coldly. He looked at Mothra pointing at his gun, and his body couldn't help shaking. Since he followed Mo Qingshen, although he has been hurt, but he is the special assistant of Mo Qingshen Company. There is no danger, and I have accompanied Mo Qingshen to do the things I have endured now, but when it comes to me, Ji An is afraid...

He is afraid of death...

"I really don't know, you have to trust me, Gu Cheng is the one who knows everything! He is the one that President Mo loves the most."

Although Ji'an knew about the transaction at Pier D, he didn't dare to say it because...

He was still thinking in his heart that Mo Qingshen would immediately know that Gu Cheng was gone and come back to look for him, but he didn't think that Mothra's security work was very good.

Jian hadn't finished speaking, and Mo Sira had already fired a shot in his calf.


Ji An screamed, with a ferocious expression of pain, bright red blood poured out from the wound in large quantities, Ji An screamed in pain, and his facial muscles were twisted together because of the severe pain.

"Do you remember now?" Mosra squatted down again, pinched Ji'an's chin behind him, looked at Ji'an's tearful face, and said, "Why? It's painful? I just asked you to tell the location and what you know I said it all, but if you don’t eat a toast and take fine wine, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Ji'an struggled in pain, but Mothra put the gun on his heart again, and Ji'an's face became paler with fright, "I really don't know anything, I really don't know anything."

Mosra let go of Ji'an, "You really don't know anything? But Ji'an, are you pretending too well? So that you are shaking all over now?"

Jian is really shivering, but not so scared on the surface, even if his leg was shot, he can still maintain a clear head.

Ji'an nodded his head almost gratefully, then raised his chin towards Gu Cheng who was not far away, and said quickly, "President Mo loves him so much that he is so reluctant to kill him, Gu Cheng has been helping President Mo for a while. Do the task, so he must know everything, so you can ask him."

Mosra turned around and ordered his subordinates, "Take Special Assistant Ji'an down to bandage up. He is more important to President Mo. Don't let him die."

"But he has been reluctant to tell the truth, so there is no need for anesthesia."


Two tall and strong men stepped forward immediately, first untied the rope on Ji'an's feet, and then supported Ji'an from left to right. Every time Ji'an took a step, he was in pain, and when he limped to the door, Mosra Then he said suddenly, "After the bandaging, if he hasn't fainted from the pain, he can continue to ask me valuable things. I don't believe he doesn't know anything. As long as he is willing to spit out something, he can do it in any way."


Ji An panicked and said loudly, "Don't do this, don' can't do this to me!."

Before Ji An's words were finished, he was forcibly pulled out by two men.

After the door was closed, only Mosra and Gu Cheng were left in the room.

Mosra pulled a chair in the corner to Gu Cheng, then folded his hands and sat down with his arms around his chest, with a weird smile on his face, "Gu Cheng? Mr. Gu, right? Why are you interested in cooperating with me? I have heard a little about how Mo Qingshen treats you."

(End of this chapter)

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