Chapter 557
"I did check your information. Your mother's family is the Lei family in Germany, but as long as you tell me, I can send you to Germany immediately. After all, my target has never been you."

"As long as you are willing to tell the truth, it will be different from Ji'an's end just now, so as long as you cooperate, I promise not to use any rough methods against you, and we will talk fairly."

After Mosra finished speaking, he loosened the rope on Gu Cheng's feet, and then took another chair for Gu Cheng to sit on.

The cowardice in Ji'an's eyes made Mosra despise him deeply, but the calm and indifferent Gu Cheng showed from the beginning to the end made Mosra feel that this man looks very similar, but he looks like a man from the Lei family in Germany , so courtesy first and soldiers later, Mothra didn't want to be rude to Gu Cheng unless it was absolutely necessary.

Sitting on the chair from the ground, Gu Cheng's expression was still clear and indifferent.

Gu Cheng knew that he couldn't answer Mothra's question, so in his heart, he would rather be tied up, because that would make him feel much better.

Sitting across from Gu Cheng, Mosra smiled lightly, "Mr. Gu, are you satisfied with my sincerity? As long as you tell the truth, then we are still friends." After a pause, Mosra said in a deep voice, "Mo Qing There is a transaction in City S five days later, but I don’t know where it is, is it Pier A in the east, Pier B in the west, or Pier D in the south?”

Mosra's question suddenly reminded Gu Cheng of what Zai Mo Qingshen said to himself that day, that it was at Pier D in the south, this is the place...

At that time, he didn't take it into his heart at all, but he remembered it completely. He thought it didn't have much to do with it, but now that he thought about it, it had a lot to do with it.

D Pier in the south, after Mothra said these words, they were deeply engraved in my mind, and I couldn't get rid of them.

Yes, he knows.

The place of the transaction is at Pier D in the south with Mosleyan, and the time is tomorrow morning at Pier D in City S, where he will meet with Mosleyan.

D Pier, morning.

The most important thing is that Mo Qingshen will go there in person that day!

These are what Mothra wants to know.

Gu Cheng suddenly heard what Mosra said, and he suddenly felt a little scared. He was not afraid of death...but he would rather not know anything. If Mosra really used some cruel methods against him, Gu Cheng didn't think he could last long.

He is a real person, and a member of the Russian Mafia treats hostages and wants to know something, and his methods are extremely cruel...

He is not a bloody man who is not afraid of pain and death, he is just a man, a man who is stronger than normal people, he is not a machine without pain.

He is just an ordinary man with flesh and blood. If it was not Ji An who was shot by Mosra just now but him, he would not be so painful like Ji An, but he would still tremble or feel uncomfortable. .

Gu Cheng's pitch-black pupils moved instinctively at the moment his brain turned, and the sharp eyes that were forced in front of him by Mothra caught him squarely.

"You really know!" Mothra said loudly, with ecstasy on his face, Mothra stood up suddenly, grabbed Gu Cheng by the collar and pulled Gu Cheng up from the chair, "Look at your terrified eyes, I will I know you must know, say! Where is the place of the transaction?"

(End of this chapter)

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