Chapter 567
Mosra got angry at his subordinates in Russian, and finally Gu Cheng spoke, but he couldn't understand the sentences he said, and what was this man talking about? !

Mothra can't understand Chinese at all, and all communication with Gu Cheng is in English. Now, it's like this.

"Boss, do you want me to find someone who can speak Chinese?!"

"Hurry up! Slow down and I will kill you!!"
Time passed quickly, when Gu Cheng was woken up by something cool and wet, he was trembling all over...

And have little strength.

I couldn't open my eyes, but in the end, I finally opened them...

When Gu Cheng opened his eyes, he found that he had returned to the room where he was locked up before. Mothra was squatting in front of him, looking at him with a sinister smile.

Gu Cheng wanted to lower his head, but Mothra pinched Gu Cheng's chin and forcefully raised his face to her, squinting his eyes and chuckling, "It's at Pier D, isn't it?"

At this time, the sky was not bright at all, and this was the last time Mosra went to the pier to intercept Mo Qingshen's questioning.

So I deliberately poured cold water on him to wake him up.

As soon as Mosra finished speaking, Gu Cheng felt as if his heart had been slammed. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Mosra with a determined expression in front of him in disbelief.

How would Mothra know? !

Mosra's smile deepened, he patted Gu Cheng's pale face, and smiled slowly, "It seems that this is true...Mr. Gu, I didn't expect you to tell the truth, I really need it Work hard, why does the potion taste good?"

"If you said it earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer this torture... Look, now I know the location of the transaction, so why bother? Mr. Gu, do you think so?"

"No, no." Gu Cheng panicked, "You're talking nonsense! I didn't say anything at all!"

"You spitting blood!!"

Mosra stood up and looked down at Gu Cheng, "Although you didn't say the specific time, I'll let my men go and guard there now, I think I will have good news for you, and Mo Qingqing, I can definitely kill him! I can definitely ambush him. Next, you can stay here in peace, and I won’t do you any harm. After everything is over, I will take you out of this country. "

"This is the best reward I can give you."

Let you bear these pains alive.

And if he is alone, wouldn't it be more enjoyable than killing himself? !
After Mothra finished speaking, she turned and left contentedly.

Still humming a ditty in his mouth, which symbolizes that he is in a good mood...

Gu Cheng was still in astonishment and couldn't get back to his senses, until Ji An, who was not far away, suddenly laughed sarcastically, "Hehe... Gu Cheng, I-damn thought you had so much backbone! You sold out President Mo now. !!"

"Shut up!" Gu Cheng suddenly turned his head and yelled at Ji An, and said sharply, "What the hell does he know? I didn't say anything at all...I didn't say anything..."

But in the end, Gu Cheng was silent...

Because he seemed to know something... and remembered something...

Because Gu Cheng suddenly thought of what he said to Mothra when he was injected with liquid yesterday.

"Didn't say anything?" Ji An sneered, "Then how could he be sure that it was D Pier? How could he guess that it was D Dock instead of other places?!"

"How the hell do I know!" Gu Cheng's breathing became disordered and he yelled out of control, "Jian, let me tell you, try talking nonsense again?!"

Ji An glared at Gu Cheng, but ignored Gu Cheng.

After an unknown amount of time, there was the sound of people walking outside the door, vaguely, Gu Cheng heard the sound of fighting outside, especially the sound of gunshots, and his restless heart immediately calmed down.

Is Mo Qingshen coming?

Is he here? !
 Mo Qingshen's chapter will be finished within this week, so... don't worry, if you don't like Mo Qingshen, you can skip it, and write about Luo Boss as soon as you finish.

(End of this chapter)

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