Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 575 A World Without Him 3 Years Later 2

Chapter 575 The World Without Him Three Years Later 2
After the mission in Pakistan, Diqian and their team got on the plane back to their respective countries, and then waited for the next three-month mission.

Before Di Qian left this area, she allocated funds to do things within her capacity, such as donating to build an orphanage, and supporting the children here until they go to college.

But the doctors who accompanied her were also doing what they could.

Airport in City A, China
It's already 12 o'clock, and landed at the international airport in City A. Di Qian just got off the plane, holding a suitcase. Now it's winter in City A, and it's a bit cold.

When Di Qian got off the plane, she wrapped herself tightly. Just as she got off the plane, she saw her brother standing not far away, and Di Beichen also saw Di Qian.

He walked over in stride, then frowned, took off his windbreaker and covered Di Qian's thin body, took Di Qian's suitcase in one hand, and put his arm around Di Qian's shoulder.

Then he walked in the direction of the car, with reproach in his tone, "How old are you? You still can't take good care of yourself now, which makes me worry."

Di Qian could only say helplessly, "Didn't I tell you not to pick me up? I've grown up and can take care of myself."

But Di Beichen didn't buy it, opened the car door, put Di Qian's luggage behind the trunk of the car, and then Di Qian went to sit in the co-pilot, and Di Bei Chen also fastened her seat belt for her.

Just like when I was a kid...

Then get in the car and start the car.

"My mother has been watching the news for the past few days. As long as it is Pakistani news, her eyes are swollen from crying. She is yelling to let you come back, saying that it is too dangerous over there."

Di Beichen paused, and finally said what he wanted to say in his heart, but he changed his words, "Lucky, tell brother the truth, you still can't let go..." Let go of Luo Shu's death?
But when the words came to his lips, Di Beichen still didn't speak. In order to make up for his own loopholes, he said some light things at once, "When you are not at home, your son is a bully. No one dares to provoke him. Just Even my uncle has a headache."

Di Qian was already silent about what Di Bei Chen said at the beginning, but when he heard about his little overlord, Di Qian relaxed himself slightly, "What's wrong with the little overlord? You are his uncle bullying you, what's wrong?"

Di smiled slightly, and then recalled that he went to the orphanage to condolences a year ago, and when all the children came out to see this beautiful sister, there was only this little bully sitting in the innermost place alone.

He doesn't speak, but his eyes are clear, and there is also a sense of arrogance in it, but even if he doesn't speak, he doesn't fit in with the group, and he looks out of place.

Until the director of the orphanage finally came and said that the child had severe autism, Di Qian came up with the idea of ​​adopting him.

In the end, he really went through the formalities and adopted the three-year-old bully.

Only in this way can life be enriched, and only then can I help myself suppress my thoughts and stop thinking about him.

Di Beichen smiled heartily, "He is very smart, although he still doesn't like to talk, in order to avoid going to school, he actually taught himself the elementary school courses at home, and then showed me the problems."

"He told me the longest sentence in the year of adopting him. Guess what it is?"

"What?" Di Qian asked.

"He said, if I can do these questions, then I can skip school, and if my mother will come back."

(End of this chapter)

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