Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 580 A World Without Him 3 Years Later 7

Chapter 580 The World Without Him Three Years Later 7
She would not tell him what she was unhappy about.

But in the end, he still expressed his thoughts.

Even if, these are really emails sent to heaven one by one, even if he will never live to open the text message on his mobile phone to see her daily nagging, but he may be able to see it in the sky.

She sent it, but it was still marked as unread. For three whole years, the text messages she sent were never read, and she never dared to make this call.

I'm afraid it's just an echo of busyness.

She can't let him feel that she is too cowardly, and she can't let him know that she looks like a normal person during the day, but she can't sleep every night. She seems to know why she has insomnia, because her medicine has disappeared, Even if she said stubbornly, she didn't believe it.

When she was quiet, she felt that there was him in every corner of her body, he was talking to him, he was smiling at her, he was walking towards her, he was undressing, he was taking a shower, he was eating , he was reading a magazine.

He was cooking, and then asked her to help with chores.

There are too many memories of everything, that's why she never wants to go to Luo Zhai again, where...there are too many good memories of them, and even now...

There are also too many memories, suddenly... Di Qian couldn't fall asleep, his eyes were dry, at that time, I cried too much... But now I can't cry no matter how much I cry...

Di Qian nestled on the sofa, editing text messages on the phone.

[You come back soon, I can't hold on anymore. 】

But when the finger was about to swipe to send, it still deleted word by word. She didn't want to... He saw her negative look, then paused his fingers, and typed out those words——

【I'm fine, I'll wait for you. 】

In the end, Di Qian calmed down, took the cup and put it in the kitchen. He wanted to drink something, but his self-consciousness as a doctor forgot it.

In three years, Diqian graduated from the medical school ahead of schedule. Her tutor asked her to continue her studies, and she would have greater attainments in the future, but she rejected the tutor's kindness. In the central hospital, the surgeon is in front of the doctor.

Many people in the hospital asked, why don't you continue your studies, why do you want to return to China to be a small landlord surgeon?

But Di Qian could only smile, because...

She couldn't hold on any longer... In the United States and Luoshu breathed the same air, in the same city, she was so depressed that she almost went crazy, and in her dream, she frantically wanted to grab his hand.

But when she woke up crying in the real dormitory, at that time, she understood that in order to live up to her life, she should find something meaningful to do.

That's why she chose Doctor Unbounded with its high risk factors, and when she met Lee, she seriously thought about what she should do...

She is not as crazy as before. She dares to go to rescue anywhere. The 22-year-old Di Qian... finally gained motivation once...

The first one is not believing that Luo Shu is dead...

And the second one is Lee.

Finally, Di Qian was a little sleepy. The long-distance flight by plane, and the jet lag has not reversed until now. He went up to the second floor, but did not go to Lee's room again.

When she arrived at her room, she saw the huge poster of Luoshu on the wall. Diqian couldn't help but went to the front of the poster, stroking the cold Luoshu on the wall with trembling hands.

Inside the brows and eyes are meticulous...

"Brother Luo, I miss you."

"You miss me too don't you?"

"Good night."

(End of this chapter)

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