Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 586 Making You Wait So Long 1

Chapter 586 Making You Wait So Long 1
It was cold, Li Mengmeng shuddered, and at this time Luo Yan saw that she had only a pair of bottoming shorts under her body, and her white thighs were exposed to the cold air.

There was displeasure in Luo Yan's eyes for a moment, and at this time, the elevator door had already opened——

Li Mengmeng lost all her good mood in an instant. She picked up the phone that was thrown on the ground, and then entered her own office, ignoring the lingering man in front of her.

But few people came to Li Mengmeng's office, so she secretly let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one saw her appearance just now, otherwise there would be something big going on?

Looking at Li Mengmeng's back, and at her thighs without trousers... Luo Yan frowned, damn woman, what kind of demeanor is she playing in such a cold day? !

Although the heating was turned on in the company, Luo Shu still took off his windbreaker, then grabbed Li Mengmeng's hand that opened the office, and hugged her forcefully in his arms.

Li Mengmeng couldn't break free, so she cursed with a bad face, "Luo Yan, let me go! Are you sick?!"

But Luo Yan was not angry, and tied the windbreaker to Li Mengmeng's waist, so that his brows could be relaxed, and he still didn't miss the point of provoking Li Mengmeng, "Go out dressed like this? Go out to meet investors? Li Mengmeng, you too For this?"

But Li Mengmeng wanted to slap Luo Yan without any hesitation, but Luo Yan caught Li Mengmeng's hand very well, and then licked Li Mengmeng's fingertips with the tip of her tongue.

An electric current instantly spread throughout Li Mengmeng's body, this man...

But at this time, Luo Yan brought Li Mengmeng in and locked the office door in one go, "Boss Li, I am an investor in your studio today, so you need unspoken rules? Am I not the best candidate? "

Li Mengmeng's face turned red with anger, the biggest investor that Xiao Li mentioned was Luo Yan? !
"Then you withdraw the capital for me! I, Li Mengmeng, don't need your investment!!" Li Mengmeng blushed, even her eyes were bloodshot...

Eye sockets are moist... But Luo Yan is also annoyed, he managed to get away from the United States to see her once, even though she didn't welcome her at all, it still made her cry...

His original intention was not like this...but it was like this again...

But Luo Yan was only thinking in his heart, but his expression was still so relaxed. He left Li Mengmeng's body, and then sat on the boss chair where Li Mengmeng was sitting as if nothing had happened, knocking on the table, "For investment matters, my assistant will talk to you later. .”

"Then what are you doing here?" Li Mengmeng suddenly lost her mind, she didn't know whether she was laughing at her own stupidity or something...

"Of course—have you passed on my meaning to the little hare?"

Li Mengmeng paused for a moment, and suddenly felt a sense of grievance, "I didn't tell Qianqian that Luo Shu woke up for a minute." Because she was afraid that if she gave her hope, she would give her despair...

Three years, it was just 10 minutes before Li Mengmeng called Di Qian to get together, in the ICU ward of the hospital under the Luo family, at night time...

In three years, Luoshu woke up for the first time, only for 1 minute, and then said to Lingo, "Qianqian, are you safe..." and fell into a deep sleep.

In order to hear the answer from Lingo and C, they persisted for a full minute. In order to stimulate the recovery of Luoshu's brain, Lingo and C mentioned Diqian many times, and finally...

Today, three years later, he woke up...

1 minutes.

"Why?" Luo Yan looked at Li Mengmeng puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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