Chapter 591 Luo Shu Woke Up 2
"Master Di, what's the matter?" Luo Yan answered the phone.

But now Luo Yan is very busy, because after warming up with Li Mengmeng, he left before Li Mengmeng woke up, and is now on his way to the airport.

Di Beichen asked in a cold voice, without giving Luo Yan a good tone at all, "Luo Shu is awake, how is his physical condition now? What are the chances of surviving?"

Di Beichen went straight to the point, directly cutting into his theme.

I have already woken up and read the text message, so I should naturally be conscious.

After a moment of silence on Luo Yan's side, he replied, "So Di Shao also means Li Mengmeng? Will you tell Little Hare until Luo Shu's life is no longer in danger?"

Di Beichen was stunned for a moment, but his attitude remained firm, "I think Luo Shu would think so too."

"Hehe... It seems that I am abrupt." Luo Yan said with some self-deprecating, he was abrupt...

Because everyone protects Di Qian behind their backs, there is no need to make the phone call to Di Qian...

"He woke up, but fell asleep again. The current situation is much better than when I was in the United States last month." Luo Yan was telling the truth. At that time, Luo Shu's situation was very unstable, hovering on the verge of death at any time.

But when Luo Yan didn't even think about it, he still survived and woke up after lying in the ICU ward for three years, "But he is still not in good spirits, sleeps a lot, and wakes up for no more than 10 minutes, after all It is already very difficult to drag him out of the gate of hell, now Luo Yan can occasionally wake up once or twice a day, and I already feel that he is recovering pretty well."

"But the medical equipment inserted into his body can still tell that his health is very bad, and his physical condition is still very dangerous, but he has persisted for five years. He doesn't want to give up, and I don't want to give up either." Luo Yan originally He wanted to say, that's why he needed Di Qian's help, but he still didn't say it.

"I was afraid that he would not be able to hold on, so I tried every means to tell him about the little hare, and told him everything about the little hare he cared about... So, we are all the same."

They are all the same, in order to protect one person and put another person on the cusp, their essence is the same...

There is no difference.

"You mean, you should let Qianqian know that he is still alive? You should also understand what kind of character my sister is, so I will be different from you."

Di Beichen still leans towards his sister.

But Luo Yan didn't want to get entangled with this issue, "I heard from his personal bodyguard C that Luo Shu didn't ask anything for a minute when he woke up. He didn't even seem to know how long he had been in a coma. My first words were about the safety of the little hare."

Di Beichen took a deep breath, and the cold air was inhaled into his lungs, but his emotions were still so indifferent, but his heart was still a little moved, "Say so much? But I still won't tell Qianqian, this is what I, as his brother, should Made it."

After Luo Yan laughed dryly, he could understand his mood, "That's right."

He also didn't want to hurt the little hare again, the one three years ago was enough...

Di Beichen suddenly smiled in relief, "Thank you for your understanding."

Di Qian's sixth sense was still very accurate, and the woman's intuition told her that Luo Shu was not dead, even the charred corpse three years ago hadn't fooled her.

His sister is very clever.

(End of this chapter)

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