Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 596 For You Thousands of Times 3

Chapter 596 For You Thousands of Times 3
Di Qian made several calls in a row, but Luo Yan never answered, and she thought it might be because she was in a meeting, so she didn't answer.

But now it's late at night, what kind of meeting is there? !
She became more suspicious.

Or did Luo Yan think it was a harassing phone call? !
It is also impossible...

It stands to reason that Luo Yan should not forget that this is her mobile phone number, but why didn't he answer it? !

Is it a guilty conscience? !

Di Qian thought too much, so that Di Bei Chen on the side watched her movements and she still didn't respond.

Di Qian continued to make calls persistently, while holding the phone, his heart was beating straight. Now Di Qian had this strong thought in his heart, that is 90.00% nine, Luo Shu lives in this world in a corner of the

The phone kept ringing, and it never stopped. It didn't stop ringing for 10 to [-] minutes. Originally, Luo Yan wanted to turn it to silent, so it would be so clean.

But Luo Shu doesn't allow...

Luo Shu was sitting by the bedside of the hospital bed, and Luo Yan was also standing beside her. The phone had been ringing for a long time as it was placed on the table.

It still hasn't stopped.

So it can be seen how persistent Di Qian is about whether Luo Shu is really still alive.

But from just now until now, Luo Shu didn't say to let Luo Yan pick it up, nor did he say no to it.And when Luo Yan wanted to turn off Mute, Luo Shu looked like he was about to kill him, so he simply quit, and you can do whatever you like.

Luo Yan simply put the mobile phone on the table in front of Luo Shu, and whether he answered it or not, he didn't make the decision anyway.

Luo Shu just looked at the phone that lit up and then went dark.

Just like that continuously, brighten up, dim down, dim down, brighten up again.

so repeatedly.

"Did the doctor worry too much about my condition just now?" Luo Shu looked at the cell phone lying on the table neatly and asked.

"How about my current health status?"

Luo Yan naturally knew the meaning and meaning of Luo Shu's question.

Luo Yan replied after a pause, "No, the doctor said that you are recovering very well, but the scars on your body will need long-term surgery to completely eliminate them, and your vital signs and other items are very stable, so don't worry about it. I'm worried, but if I want to fully recover and be alive and kicking, I'm afraid it will take some time."

"I asked the doctor just now. Your arm is almost a death sentence. Your left arm is completely immobile now, but it has not been amputated. In fact, the condition of your left arm is now similar to that of the amputated one."

Luo Yan broke all the mysteries with one word, even C secretly hated Luo Yan in front of him, what is the truth? !
So C immediately said, "Boss, but the doctor just said that your arm also has room for recovery, but there is a chance of taking some risks. If you undergo surgery, there is still a chance of returning to normal."

"After all, Boss, you have just picked up a life from the gate of hell, so you don't have to force it now. Now your physical condition has become stable, and it will take some time to completely return to a healthy state. You After sleeping for three years, your body is still very weak, so boss, what you need is to rest and not be disturbed by others. What's more, those scars on your body still need time."

What C said was very to the point, but Luo Yan was flabbergasted. Is this bodyguard despising Luo Yan? !
And Luo Shu is still looking at Luo Yan's phone.

(End of this chapter)

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