Chapter 604 He Finally Came Back 3
And she also smelled the smell of medicine, which must have been on her body not long after she got off the operating table.

But this did not affect her ability to clearly distinguish the man in front of her.

Di Qian grabbed his shoulders with both hands, choked up so much that he couldn't speak, his voice just kept repeating tremblingly: "Luo're still alive, right? Are you still alive...I'm not dreaming right Right...not right..."

"I knew that you wouldn't leave me alone... no..."

"Yes, I'm still alive." Luo Shu's hand gently landed on Di Qian's head, and gently stroked the back of her head: "I'm sorry for making you wait so long."

"Qianqian, I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for making you wait so long..."

Di Qian shook her head desperately, don't apologize, as long as you are still alive and she can still see him, that's enough...

Di Qian didn't want to come out in his arms, so she just wanted to hug Luo Shu like this, so that she would feel at ease, and she would feel at ease...

She almost seemed to be unable to breathe, this man, he's back.

"As long as you can come back, as long as you can come back, I can wait as long as I want, I am willing to wait as long as I want...just can you tell me your message..."

"Even if you don't come back, let me know that you are still alive in this world..."

Di Qian was a little incoherent, Luo Shu smiled lightly, the gentle hug was not enough to match the blood in his heart, but the body of the plane for more than ten hours had already been overloaded, and Di Qian's mindless collision like a calf had made it difficult for him. Standing firm, but still standing in front of her.

He is still like a tall pine and cypress, shielding Di Qian from the wind and rain...His right hand covered her back, and then whispered easily, "You can't be so misbehaving in the future."

"Be obedient in the future."

But Di Qian still nodded heavily, as long as you come back, I promise you anything.

But he seems to have lost a lot of weight.

His face was pale and weak, and his body seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and he no longer had the healthy complexion at that time...

Di Qian sniffed, wanting to ask him why he didn't show up for so long, why he didn't tell her when he was alive.

Before she could open her mouth, she suddenly felt her shoulders sinking. Before she could react, Luo Shuyi's figure standing in front of her suddenly pressed down until it pressed hard on her shoulders, and Di Qian supported him with great difficulty.

"What's the matter... What's the matter..." But Luo Shu still didn't respond, Di Qian felt that his body was too heavy...

But she couldn't bear to let him go, she was in a hurry, "Luo Shu...what's wrong with you...don't scare me..."

Di Qian is really scared, so scared...

"Boss!" C rushed over quickly, raised his eyes and saw that Di Qian's face was not very good, and now there is no extra time to make any extra explanations, so C also symbolically said to Di Qian , Talking about Luo Shu's general situation, "Miss Di, the boss just woke up two months ago, and then in order to see you sooner, he insisted on not stopping the doctor's dissuasion. When his health just recovered, he was about to fly to China. Now the body has not fully recovered, and due to the flight lasting more than ten hours, and because of your collision just now, the boss's body has been overdrawn, so now you need to go to the hospital that has been arranged immediately."

As a doctor, Di Qian knew that the subtext that C said was still important.

(End of this chapter)

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