Chapter 612 He Finally Came Back 11
But just as he was about to leave, suddenly, the palm held by her grabbed Di Qian's hand, and with a little force, he held her back in the palm. Luo Shu opened his eyes and looked at her with a faint smile: "Take me Wake up, confess to me, you want to run away after teasing me, do you want me to lose sleep tonight? You can do it."

"It's just to make you sleepless! It's just to make you sleepless." Di Qian's face suddenly became hot, with capitalized embarrassment on his face, but he recovered calmly in an instant, and put his face directly on his hand, smiling Said, "Hey, I just want to watch you, just want to make you sleepless at night, what's the matter, what can you do with me?"

Di Qian's mischievous look, this is Luo Shu's favorite look, his whole body is radiant.

Seeing her calm appearance, Luo Shu chuckled, seeing that Di Qian had no intention of going back to sleep, he stroked her small face with his hand, and said softly, "What time is it?"

Then he added, "You mean you want to sleep with me?"

Di Qian turned his head and took a look, pretending to be disdainful, "You think too much..." Rolled his eyes and then said with a smile, "How do you know?!"

"May I know you?"

Di smiled and said, and then the light in his eyes couldn't be concealed, "No, no, I want to sleep with you, who told you that your arms are the warmest, and I can't sleep if I don't sleep with you? So Luo Shao, Are you willing to treat me as a big bed and let me out a little bit? Let the poor little girl sleep on the side of the bed."

Di Qian's words were charming and touching, and he also matched his expressions.

Luo Shu sighed slightly, and suddenly felt that she didn't feel it before, she was a living treasure, but now she was using her prehistoric power, "I can't say no to you, come on, go to sleep inside."

Luo Shu was afraid that she would not be able to sleep well, so he went to bed at night.

"I've decided, because you're still sick, so I'll go back to my room and sleep." Di Qian said so, and her goal was achieved, which was to tease this rough guy.

Hahaha... I got it right...

Di Qian was teasing Luo Shu like a child.


Luo Shu had a very speechless expression.

"Come and sleep, just pretend I'm begging you." Luo Shu said as he lifted the quilt.

But Di Qian seemed to be sticking to his duties, "I'm a doctor, I know your health condition, it's not suitable for us to sleep together now."

Di Qian said it seriously, but he was already cheering in his heart, just to punish you.

"Come and sleep."

Immediately, Luoshu became three characters.

Di Qian got up quickly with a clever head, got into his quilt, lay down beside him, and then leaned his head on his shoulder with a triumphant face, "Hee hee, did you hate me just now because your teeth were itchy? ?”

"I won't hate you so much, I'll just eat you bite by bite."

Luo Shu's voice was so close to her ears, the voice was shallow and low, but it was so gentle that Diqian was fascinated.

"Eat me?!" Di Qian also tried not to touch the wound on his body, then smiled, "Then you come~~"

"You don't need to take one bite at a time, you can take a big one." Di Qian was obviously teasing.

Close your eyes, bury your face into his arms, I can tell you don't dare to treat me like that, "hee hee, think about it, please eat me, eat you up." Di Qian said in the last Still singing in Luo Shu's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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