Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 620 The most beautiful love chapter, I am in 9

Chapter 620 The most beautiful love story, I am in 9
Until his hand reached into her clothes irregularly again, she opened her eyes, then looked at his face, and pressed his irregular hand with her hand.

"You're not in good health yet."

Di Qian said these words again, but Luo Shu didn't care, he just wanted to continue, to get more... After being a monk for so long, if he didn't take some practical actions, he would feel that he was incompetent...

"You know my body better than me?" Luo Shu leaned over to kiss her brow again, and then quickly plundered her lips, but Di Qian didn't dare to push him away.

Fearing that he would get hurt again, she could only whine to express her worry about his body and dissatisfaction.

His slender hands clasped the back of her head tightly and kissed her lips vigorously, absorbing her sweet taste.


Diqian's lips were opened, and Luo Shu's fiery tongue was sucked in her mouth, burning every nerve in her body, and she almost went limp...

Luo Shu pressed her against the wall and kissed her thoroughly, leaving a bunch of deep and shallow hickey marks on her neck, collarbone, and even tore off her clothes on her chest...

If she hadn't supported her body on him, she would have fallen to the ground long ago, but Di Qian couldn't breathe smoothly at this time... Then she wanted to take a big mouthful of breath.

Because being kissed felt a little uncomfortable, as if Luo Shu wanted to kiss back what he had lost in the past three years.

I saw her almost out of breath.

Luo Shu let go of her like a charity, and stood in front of her tall and tall, and then pressed one hand on the back of the sofa, as if holding her in his arms.

"Qianqian, give it to me... will you..." Luo Shu frowned, looking down at her with a hint of lust in his eyes, and his voice was indescribably magnetic, making people palpitate.

But Luo Shu is still begging her...

This man... Thinking about it from the morning to now, it will be noon soon... Lee is coming back, so even if he doesn't care about his body now... then now is not a good time.

"It's almost noon...Lee is going home for lunch too." Di Qian said in a soft voice, with deep lust in his eyes.But it also has reason.

The two of them haven't had that for three years... and they are two young people who are living in the same courtyard by the tacit consent of Di Qian's parents. If there is a fire, it will be ignited at random.

"Lee, is it more important to me?!" Luo Shu's tone was mixed with warmth and anger, but he was also annoyed, a dead woman, once she has a son, will she forget her husband-to-be?It seems that we need to speed up the time, get better soon, and get the marriage certificate, "So your son is more important to you than me?!"

Luo Shu has serious jealousy in his heart? !
"Well...then wait a few more hours and I'll make it up to you in the evening, okay?"

This is Di Qian's biggest concession.

And Luo Shu seems to be a bit pushy, "I can do whatever I want?" Luo Shu said maliciously.

Diqian groaned softly, stretched out his arms to climb his shoulders, wrapped his hands around his neck, stared straight into his eyes, and asked softly, "Well... Young Master Luo, how are you doing tonight? .”

Looking at Di Qian's initiative and charm, Luo Shu felt as if his stomach was on fire, "That's what you said, I look forward to your performance."

The two were fighting on the sofa, but Di Qian didn't forget to call Li Mengmeng to comfort her.

(End of this chapter)

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