Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 640 Mr. Luo's Marriage Proposal 3

Chapter 640 Mr. Luo's Marriage Proposal 3
Luo Shu possessed himself, got up slightly, pinched Di Qian's chin, and kissed him, and then just kissed Di Qian lightly, and sat down on his seat again.

"Huh? Could it be that I ignored the little princess and the little princess is angry?"

"Hey, I've said it all, I'm 22 years old, I'm no longer a child." Di Qian's face was full of displeasure.

"No matter how old you are, you are still my little princess in Luoshu."

After Luo Shu said these words, he began to kiss Di Qian again, rolling on her lips...

In the end, Di Qian couldn't breathe again before letting her go.

Di Qian heard it clearly, he said...she will always be his little princess.


Di Qian covered her mouth, but looked at Luo Shu amusedly, and then said something unsightly: "I just finished eating and I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

As soon as this was said, even the waiter in the distance couldn't help laughing.

"If I haven't brushed my teeth, I'll eat-you too!" Luo Shu was so rogue today.Even Di Qian felt that she couldn't hold Luo Shu like this, and she felt that she had to be normal to her to find it interesting.

"The sunset outside is quite beautiful." Di Qian said that the sunset is beautiful.

Luo Shu also thought it was good, otherwise he would not have brought Di Qian here. Luo Shu saw that Di Qian was almost finished eating, and then asked the waiter to play a waltz.

Then stood in front of Di Qian, stretched out his hand to Di Qian, bent his body slightly, "Miss Di, can I ask you to dance a waltz?"

"Your hand..." Di Qian knew that Luo Shu's hand could not be lifted at all, so how could he still be able to waltz? …

Di Qian felt...he was really not joking?

"You put your arms around my waist, and we walk together."

Hearing Luo Shu's words, Di Qian felt a little disappointed. His arm was because of her...

Pack up your mood.

"Then I'm here!" Di Qian handed over his right hand, and as soon as Luo Shu exerted force, Di Qian was pulled into Luo Shu's arms, and they danced and waltzed together. Seductive.

One step and two steps, Di Qian didn't know that Luo Shu could even waltz so well, an all-round male god.

So I couldn't help asking: "Brother Luo, how long did it take you to learn the waltz?"

"Guess?" Luo Shu spat out these two words, and then concentrated on stepping, step by step dancing with Di Qian.

She said casually: "Seeing that you are so proficient, you have been practicing since you were young, right?"

"I guessed right, but not all right."

"Eh? That's it?..." Di Qian was puzzled.

"I said I learned it for you, do you believe it?" He really learned the waltz for Di Qian, because Di Qian liked waltz very much when he was a child, and waltz won the first prize in the country.

"Me?" Di Qian was a little confused, and then he didn't know why Luo Shu said that, "Didn't I tell you that I like waltz?"

"Stupid." Luo Shu only spit out this word.

"Hey, I'm not stupid." Di Qian lay on his shoulder angrily, and then bit him on the shoulder feeling that it wasn't enough.

Luo Shu snorted, feeling a little hurt.

"Because you said when you were a child that you must marry a prince in the future, and then you will be in a western restaurant with 99 floors. You can go up to each floor, and there will be a rose. Will waltz with him and finally agree to his marriage proposal."

Their dance steps did not end, Di Qian was in a state of shock...

He remembered everything she said when she was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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