Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 643 [Prosperous Marriage] Be good, call me husband 3

Chapter 643 [Prosperous Marriage] Be good, call me husband 3
When Di Qian approached, he intentionally walked on catwalk like a model, and then it was obviously flirting with Luo Shu, and then he was still like a discharge.

Luo Shu suddenly felt that this was much more seductive than the first time three years ago, when he was in front of him. The shirt he wore at that time still had a flavor, much tenderer than now...

And Di Qian has never had a more sexy and seductive side than today.

The only thing she wants to do now is to pick up this person in front of her...

He never thought that Di Qian, who has always been dull in this respect, would suddenly show such a side in front of him one day. Even though Luo Shu's hands and feet are tied now, his eyes are still looking at her figure, like It's like a hungry wolf looking at food...

Watching Di Qian walk to the bed like this.

Di Qian was still making a concave shape on purpose, and then came in front of Luo Shu.

The tone was as smooth as silk, "Huh? Uncle Luo, why aren't you sleeping?"

Di Qian's body was exuding the fragrance of shower gel, her hair was also slightly wet and draped over her shoulders, with a bewildered expression, and then she was still looking at Luo Shu with old eyes, staring straight at her tied up with him. hand, and then with an innocent face, "What's wrong? Who tied your hand?" Then he pretended to untie it, but it was a mess again, "I can't untie it, Uncle Luo."

Then the hair fell on Luo Shu's face.

The slippery Luo Shu felt itchy in his heart... so frizzy that he wanted to eat the woman in front of him!

"How about the discussion with my parents just now? Still drinking so much wine? Wait...I made you a sober soup, and I'll get it for you right away."

Di Qian got further and further away, and then winked at Luo Shu, but Luo Shu roared, "Stop! Are you going out wearing this?!"

If this dead woman dares to go out like this, he must take good care of her, and Di Qian looked innocent, "I took it from the coffee table next to me. I put it on there."

Di Qian went to get the sobering soup, and then brought it with a smile, wanting to feed Luo Shu spoonful by spoonful, but at this moment, Luoshu wouldn't be in the mood to drink medicine!
Some are all this little goblin! !
After speaking, Di Qian smiled and said, "Doesn't it look good on me in your shirt? I just wore your shirt because there were no bathrobes in the bathroom, only bath towels."

Di Qian was explaining, but Luo Shu couldn't listen at this time.Just want to pounce on this man.

"Uncle Luo, why don't you drink?" Di Qian called Uncle Luo Shu innocently, then smiled, "Then I'll feed you with my mouth."

Then he drank it in his own mouth, and when he was about to kiss Luo Shu, he immediately walked away with an innocent face, and then drank it by himself, "I don't want the taste of wine in my mouth, so why don't you drink it yourself?"


As soon as she finished speaking, she performed another performance in front of him, and her focus turned to the shirt again, "Does my shirt look particularly good today? Do you want me to continue to wear shirts for you to see in the future? I don't just like white ones." , I also like direct and transparent ones.”

Directly transparent...

This woman really... Enough... teasing him but not letting him go!
If Di Qian didn't hang around in front of him on purpose, and then said such obviously provocative words, he really wouldn't believe it.

First come in and look at his innocent face with his face tied up, but his eyes are naked, and then use this verbal and physical teasing.

(End of this chapter)

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