Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 645 [Golden Age Marriage Pet] Be good, call me husband 7

Chapter 645 [Golden Age Marriage Pet] Be good, call me husband 7
"came back?"

Luo Shu asked in a deep voice, which made Di Qian feel really weak. Di Qian took Lee's little hand, and asked Lee to call Luo Shu first.


Lee delivered the exit in a well-mannered manner.

"Let the aunt on the other side take you to wash your hands first, and then come down to eat in a while." Luo Shu asked the aunt who had been taking Lee to pick up Lee.

Then Lee also obediently went... Di Qian just looked at his son like this, getting further and further away from him until he disappeared in front of his eyes.

Di Qian knew... this man definitely sent Lee away on purpose...

"Then what, I'll go and see Lee." Di Qian wanted to get out of here immediately, otherwise, she had a premonition that she would definitely die in a very... extremely tragic way, but before she even took a step, she was caught behind His Luoshu called to stop.


When Luo Shu opened his mouth, Di Qian trembled in fright, then shrugged his shoulders, looking very pitiful, thinking in his heart, this time he really died...

Because last night, the picture was so beautiful that she didn't dare to think about it...

Di Qian smiled dryly, coughing and coughing, "Uncle Luo." Don't mention what happened last night now, pretending to be stupid is definitely a magic weapon, Di Qian pretended to have indirect amnesia, "Oh, Uncle Luo , what is in your hand?"

Di Qian shifted his target first, Luo Shu closed the document on his knee, and then spoke to Di Qian, with a normal and deep tone, which made Di Qian feel a little relieved.

"come over."

It was two more words, Di Qian couldn't get over it, and refused, but was frightened by Luo Shu's look, and then stood in place obediently.

Thinking about why there is no reason not to go, she knew in her heart that once she passed... she would definitely be attacked by Luo Shu angrily...

She recalled what he said last night...

Thinking about it, I felt a sudden chill, huh... Di Qian's head turned wildly, then his eyes rolled, and he covered his stomach, "Wait... Uncle Luo, I'm going to go to the bathroom first, and my stomach suddenly hurts."

Pretending to go to the bathroom, Luo Shu stopped him just as he turned around, with a sinister tone, "Come back, you can fool me with just your little trick?!"

Only then did Di Qian resign herself to her fate, turned around, and then walked towards Luo Shu in a circle. Halfway through, she suddenly begged for mercy, "Uncle Luo, last night, it was my fault, I admit it."

Now she wants to reduce Luo Shu's anger as much as possible, but Luo Shu has not been defeated by the beauty trick at all, "Last chance, come here, otherwise...I will let you spend this week in bed."

What Luo Shu said was so cruel that Di Qian's legs trembled...

"You said it when you proposed...whatever I do is right, it's your fault." Di Qian immediately moved out the declaration he made when he proposed, thinking it could help her.

Luo Shu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Di Qian to talk about it now, "But it's definitely not about the bed."

How can she mess with the bed matter? For example, last night, did she know how uncomfortable it was for him to be tied up?
It's not an exaggeration to almost die on the bed. Does she know how long he took a cold shower after breaking free?So he definitely wants to give her a fear in this matter.


Di Qian can give Luo Shu's explanation full marks... Di Qian also knows that he is wrong, because thinking about it, he feels that it must be very uncomfortable.

He played too much last night. At that time, he was afraid of being caught. Looking at his posture last night, he had the posture of really playing himself to death.

That's why she ran away in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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