Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 651 [Prosperous Marriage] When the marriage is in progress 1

Chapter 651 [Prosperous Marriage] When the marriage is in progress 1
Today is Friday, and the Civil Affairs Bureau is still at work. Luo Shu and Di Qian have to get their marriage certificates before the new year.

If he didn't get it, Luo Shu felt uneasy, as if someone would come to snatch the woman next to him at any time...

Along the way, it can only be said that Luo Shu's heart was full of joy, and he held Di Qian's hand tightly.

Di smiled and comforted, "Uncle Luo, this is the first time I've seen you so nervous."

When the car arrived at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Luo Shu was still not sure, and the palms of Di Qian's hands were full of sweat.

"Miss Di, there is still a chance to repent." But what he said in his mouth, but he didn't let go of Di Qian's hand for a moment, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

"You are holding my hand like this, Mr. Luo? I still have a chance to repent?" Di Qian felt the wetness from Luo Shu's palm, and knew that Luo Shu must be very excited now, and she as well.

She is going to marry him...

"I won't give you a chance to regret it!" After finishing speaking, he pulled Di Qian into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Sitting on the sofa at the marriage registration office, the people inside had long recognized Luo Shu, who was dead or alive after the bombing in New Zealand?Because it was announced to the outside world that Luo Shu was killed by the bomb...but now...he appeared here again.

The people inside didn't expect Luo Shu to come here, and when they saw Di Qian, their heads felt hot, they couldn't be here to get married.

"Young Master Luo, you?" A rather tall official came, walking around Luo Shu like a dog.

Although not in the United States, the Luo family's business empire has already crossed the Pacific Ocean to China in the past three years. The Luo family has a lot of catering, real estate, tourism, etc. in China.

So it's hard not to know Luo Shu.

"I'm here to get married!" As he said, he hugged Di Qian into his arms, symbolically announcing that she would be my wife to spend the rest of his life with, feeling like a dazed young man.

The people inside didn't realize that Luo Shu wanted to get married! What a joke! But the caller brought two marriage application forms and asked the two to fill them out together.

When Luo Shu and Di Qian filled out the application form, they handed it to the employee who handled the marriage certificate.

However, Diqian's nationality is Chinese, and Luoshu is American. The marriage certificate for this kind of international marriage is very complicated and troublesome. It usually takes a long time, almost a day.

But the staff didn't dare to act recklessly, so they had to bite the bullet, and even the household registration and ID cards were exempted, so all the problems were handed over to the staff, and after a while, it would be fine, and then the two A red book was handed over to Luoshu and there was no photo on it.

So he used a gesture of invitation: "Young Master Luo, please go inside and take a photo. Congratulations, you have become a legal couple. When you return to the United States, you only need to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau of the local household registration, and the international marriage will be completed."

After all, Luo Shu's nationality is in the United States, so he still needs to go back to the United States to confirm. Luo Shu was full of joy, so he went to drag Di Qian to take pictures.

When taking pictures, you have to be serious inside and smile at the camera, but Luo Shu is Luo Shu, and the two of them don't like well-behaved photos at all, so he pinched Di Qian's chin and kissed him, and the camera The teacher immediately caught this shot.

I thought the two of them were just having fun, so I took another photo, but Luo Shu rejected it.

(End of this chapter)

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