Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 665 [Prosperous Marriage] When the marriage is in progress 18

Chapter 665 [Prosperous Marriage] When the marriage is in progress 18
Di Qian leaned against the wall of the bathtub enjoying the comfort brought by the warm water, then found a waterproof mobile phone case not far away, and put her own mobile phone in it, she also wanted to read today's news...

The news about her and Luoshu...

But as soon as she went to get her mobile phone, she saw beautiful transparent boxes not far from her. Di Qian's eyes were very sharp, so she could see what was inside right away!

There are relatively conservative ones, and there are also bundled series... There are even handcuffs!Looking at those expensive underwear with only one lifespan, Di Qian only wanted to say a word.

Ghosts will wear it for you!
This man! !

Di Qian stared at the things lying in those boxes and thought helplessly, Luo Shu is 29 today, what are the old men at 29 thinking about? !

The difference between the two of them is only 7 years old, why is there such a big difference?How can an old man still be obsessed with this sexy underwear and want her to wear it?

Not to mention how many times Di Qian complained about him in his heart...

Di Qian submerged her naked body in the hot water, including her head, then got up immediately...closed her eyes and didn't look.

After a while, Di Qian opened his eyes again, looking at those boxes...

This taste is too low and too bad to be condoned.

she can't wear it!
Yes, absolutely not to wear!
Di Qian solemnly warned herself to pick up the phone on the side and divert her sight and attention! !

Then there was an extended video about my marriage with Luo Shu on the Internet at night, Di Qian clicked into it...

"The century-old wedding between Luo Shu, the CEO of the Luo family, and his wife Di Qian was held in the church of Luo Zhai today. Although reporters were not allowed to enter, and the reporters didn't capture anything, the Chinese-style wedding in China has caused a lot of trouble. There was an uproar, and Luo Shu's speech at the wedding also became the inner yearning of many girls."

"But right now, the Luo family's official account released a small video of Luo Shu and Di Qian's wedding. Only some close relatives and relatives attended, and we wish them happiness."

"It is reported that Di Qian is the daughter of Qin Yu, who won the 148th Oscar for Best Director, and is also a member of Doctor Unbounded."

The voice came from the hand.

The scene of their wedding today is playing on the screen, as well as the scene of wearing a Chinese dress. Although she hopes that the wedding will be low-key and simple, but now it is everywhere on the Internet, and she may not be able to be low-key if she wants to be low-key...

"Okay, please enjoy the picture at that time below."

With the sound of the sound, the screen cuts to the scene of her and Luo Shu kissing at the wedding. There are also some hard photos and some tidbits. Fortunately, the family photo has not been exposed. Otherwise, their family is really hot Already...

Although they were public figures very early on...

And when I logged on to Weibo, I also saw my mother's Weibo, and there was no joy in her words.

[Today is the best movie I have ever filmed in my life, daughter, you must be happy and brave!Be more happy! 】

Then the following is a picture of today's wedding.

In order to protect Diqian, she didn't have @Diqian at all, but Diqian also forwarded it, and then said a very simple sentence.

【Mom, I will. 】

Then because of Di Qian's forwarding, the netizens exploded in an instant. Is this Di Qianzhen's Weibo?It's really hidden deep, and then Di Qian's Weibo fans exploded! !

Li Mengmeng also sent her congratulations on Weibo.

(End of this chapter)

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