Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 678 [Gu Mo] If you are willing to come, I will not leave 9

Chapter 678 [Gu Mo] If you are willing to come, I will not leave 9
The sentence from Gu Cheng's mouth, Mr. Mo, you have misunderstood the person, it was like a thunderbolt, and it was like a joke...

Total joke.

Of course, Mo Qingshen can't understand German, and his hand is still grabbing Gu Cheng's wrist, "You are him, you are him!" Mo Qing took a deep breath, and then kept staring at the man in front of him without letting go, as if It was like he was afraid that he would suddenly disappear.

On the other side came Mo Qingshen's special assistant who can speak German, and Gu Cheng once wanted to break free from his hand, but no matter how he tried to break free, he couldn't break free, "Mr. Mo, if you insist on not letting me go, Then I'm going to call the police."

this man!He doesn't want to have too much interaction with him in this life... Now he only lives for himself.

The female special assistant who can speak German relayed what Gu Cheng said to Mo Qingshen in Russian, but Mo Qingshen still believed in his intuition, he hadn't changed...he hadn't changed at all...

But in the end...let go...his hand...

But the tone is still domineering, although there is a weakness hidden in it, "I was rude, I just think that you look a lot like an old friend of mine."

Mo Qingshen said, but in his heart he had clearly determined that he was Gu Cheng!Why did he let go of his hand? It's just because...he loves him carefully now, afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to Gu Cheng...

The female special assistant then relayed it in German, and Gu Cheng didn't want to say anything more to him, but just said something symbolically, then walked to the entrance of the elevator, took off his work clothes, and in the blink of an eye, in front of so many executives face.

Throw it in the recycling bin...

This company...what a bad memory...

Mo Qingshen's bodyguards didn't stop him either, Mo Qingshen just watched him enter the elevator, and when the elevator door closed, Mo Qingshen rushed to the stairs madly, from the 99th floor to the first floor …

The female special assistant was very indifferent, because the contract had already been negotiated and only needed to be signed, and she didn't let a large number of bodyguards chase after her, only instructing one to protect.

She continued to help Mo Qingshen negotiate the contract. She was the one who was paid, and she had heard about Gu Cheng's affairs for a long time, so she was not surprised by Mo Qingshen's reaction now.

Instead, I feel... This is the most authentic reaction!

Obviously, when Mo Qingshen chased him to the first floor, Gu Cheng had long since disappeared. He searched everywhere in the lobby, but there was still no result.

He felt depressed for a while...but he was also happy, he was Gu Cheng...it was his Gu Cheng...

And in the end, when he finally gave up...

A hand was knocked on the back, he turned around, and saw Gu Cheng's melancholy face, wearing a black coat, although he was 1.7 meters tall, he was not too small in front of boys.

But under the reflection of Mo Qingshen, the two of them are like a couple...

Mo Qingshen said in English, "You..."

Gu Cheng smiled very relieved, put his hand in the bag, and said, "I don't have a job anymore, would you like to invite me to your bar for a drink?"

This is a great opportunity for Mo Qingshen, and it is an opportunity for him to pursue him and let him return to him. Now he has learned how to love someone.

He knew that the second he lost him back then, he knew it...without Gu Cheng...his heart was dead...

My heart was blank and chaotic, like stagnant water, without any waves, until now there are ripples...

He knew that this man... is still alive...

Thank goodness he's still alive...

(End of this chapter)

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