Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 697 [Gu Mo] If you are willing to come, I will not leave 29

Chapter 697 [Gu Mo] If you are willing to come, I will not leave 29
"I beg you, let Mo Qingshen go, please."

Now, he humbly begged, and said to Ji'an losing his mind, "Ji'an, Mo Qingshen loves you! You should be able to feel it since he exchanged you with micro!"

"He loves you!!"

Gu Cheng shouted louder and louder. Ji An didn't want to talk at first, but when he heard him say this, his mood became even worse. He shot Mo Qingshen's leg, and then said viciously, "Gu Cheng, what are you doing? I shut up!!"

The leg that Mo Qingshen was shot in instantly lost its strength, and his body slid down suddenly... His center of gravity was unstable, and he was almost pulled down by Gu Cheng.

Sweat flowed down with blood, Mo Qingshen's expression was painful, but he never let go, he couldn't let go, this was his love!
Mo Qingshen's arm trembled constantly, but he still held Gu Cheng's hand tightly.

"Mo Qingshen, let go, I beg you to let go" Gu Cheng cried, "Mo Qingshen! Did you hear that, let go quickly..."

Faced with such deep affection for Mo, what permeated Gu Cheng's heart was only pain.

His painful heart is about to twitch, Mo Qing is deep, Mo Qing is deep...

Why are you so stupid...

"Hehe. The two of you really love each other like the sea? My kidnapping this time really promoted your relationship? Mo Qingshen, I didn't want to build a bridge for the two of you, you two counted what?!"

"One lied to my feelings, but the other was crying here like a dog. If you have the ability, you let go, you let go?!"

It's not that Gu Cheng doesn't want to let go, it's because he can't let go at all, and Mo Qingshen holds him so tightly that he can't even move his hands.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if you don't let go, you both will go to hell anyway."

But in the end, Mo Qingshen's physical strength has long been exhausted, and then he turned to Ji'an in front of him in order to keep Gu Cheng. He looked at Ji'an above, and said with difficulty, "Save him, Ji'an...I'm going to die... Save..Gu Cheng"

"Hahaha, I really want to see you like this now." Ji'an's smile is too hideous, "I think, let one of you die first, because I can appreciate your painful appearance at that time, haha Haha...Let me think about it, who should die first?"

Ji An frowned, as if he was really thinking about this problem, and then looked at Mo Qingshen, "Well, I still want to see you in pain, so let Gu Cheng die first."

"Don't you want to get Mo Qingshen even in your dreams? So I will die and let Mo Qingshen go"

Gu Cheng said to Ji An.

But Ji An laughed wildly, "You think he will let me go when you die?!"

"Both of you can't escape, you are going to die!"

But in the next second, Mo Qingshen gave a difficult signal to Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng immediately turned his head to look, and immediately understood what Mo Qingshen meant.

Because at one side corner, there is a small balcony…

Gu Cheng shook his head towards Mo Qingshen, he felt that Mo Qingshen should not be able to do it, because...if he wanted to land on it, he would have to be thrown over with a lot of force, but with Mo Qingshen's physical condition
is impossible...

I saw that Ji An was about to shoot, but if he was not thrown out, both of them would definitely die, so Mo Qingshen threw Gu Cheng out first as soon as he exerted his strength.

But the moment he was thrown out, a gunshot was heard.

 There should be another chapter.The last chapter of Mo Qingshen and Gu Cheng will be published later.

(End of this chapter)

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