Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 703 [Yan Meng] You are my only 15

Chapter 703 [Yan Meng] You are my only one 5
Seven days a week, Luo Yan never came to bother Li Mengmeng again. Even if Li Mengmeng left the Lei family compound and went to the hospital to see Luoshu and the others, he still didn't see Luo Yan coming to stop him. I'm afraid he really gave up.
It doesn't matter if you give up... She also relaxes, cleans up her mood, makes herself feel better, and will be happier when the child is born.
There was a knock on Li Mengmeng's door.

"Miss Mengmeng, I have bought the book you asked for." The servant opened the door and came in, and put the baby-care books she needed on the table. Jia Jia casually flipped through them, frowning: "This Not the one I wanted."

Li Mengmeng didn't want to trouble the Lei family, but she often stayed with Mr. Lei Yu, so she was also considered half a granddaughter of the Lei family.

"Thank you, but none of what you took is what I want. Prepare two cars for me, and I will buy them myself."

Li Mengmeng puffed her stomach, and then wandered around in the bookstore, looking at the books she liked, that is, the books on parenting, she suddenly wanted to take all of them home, she looked like she liked it, it was the first time she bought it , bought so much, but she is a star, so she still put on a mask in a low-key manner.

She doesn't want to be found out.
There is a pregnant woman next to her husband nervously supporting her, and her husband is still talking
"Honey, sit carefully."

"Sorry, I've been too busy recently, you won't blame me, will you?
The pregnant woman couldn't restrain the happiness on her face, but she pouted coquettishly: "I won't blame you, I believe our baby won't blame you either, I always tell the baby, it's not that dad doesn't stay with you, it's because dad is here Make money and give you a good life, so I believe the baby will not blame you."

"I just think it's too hard for you to hold your belly up alone, so I feel a little indebted to you."

Li Mengmeng listened enviously to the flirting of the couple next to her, stood up and took two books from the bookcase to pay the bill, and when she was about to leave the bookstore, she couldn't help but glance at the sweet couple, her eyes felt a little wet.

Then I touched my belly, her child will lack fatherly love since childhood, I'm sorry... the baby mother double compensated you, okay?
Don't blame mom.

After leaving the bookstore, she didn't ask the driver to drive the car back directly to Lei's house. She was tired of staying at Lei's house every day and wanted to go to the flower shop to buy a flower, so she went, bought a flower, and was ready to go back to Lei's house. Lei's house is here. When I arrive at Lei's house, I hold my book in one hand and flowers in the other.

Li Mengmeng walked towards the floor where she lived with her slightly protruding belly, pressed the code to open the door and walked into the elevator in the building, but when she was waiting for the elevator, her eyes suddenly went dark, and she hurriedly supported the wall to stabilize her body.

This feeling is very bad, my stomach hurts a little, but it's just a simple pain, not a special pain, Li Mengmeng knows it's okay, so let's forget it, this is Lei's house, I just wanted to find someone to help me.

Suddenly, a pair of generous arms embraced her. Li Mengmeng felt a little dizzy, but she still steadied herself. She was about to say thank you, but what came to her ears was a voice she hadn't seen for a long time.
Luo Yan
"Li Mengmeng?! Don't you have a brain?! A pregnant woman who is about to give birth is running around?! Going to buy some flowers and books?! Is there no one in Lei's house?! Do you want to go by yourself?!"

(End of this chapter)

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