Mrs Li, you are married

Chapter 402 Can You Pay Attention To The Situation?

Chapter 402 Can You Pay Attention To The Situation?
Lin Yinuo felt very uncomfortable, turned her head to look at the back of the car, and when she saw Lin Yiming still standing at the school gate and did not get in the car, she began to feel uncomfortable.

"Li Shaojin! How can you do this? My brother has something to do with me." Unhappy, she took her anger out on the man who was driving.

"I didn't stop you from looking for your brother just now, because you didn't want to." Li Shaojin turned to look at the little woman beside him, and pushed all the responsibilities to her, and took it for granted, that was called A righteous one.

Hearing this, Lin Yinuo was so angry that he couldn't find his voice for a long time, and stared at Li Shaojin silently, unable to breathe for a long time.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? Am I wrong? You didn't want to just now. "

Although Li Shaojin's eyes were staring at the road in front of the car, he could clearly feel Lin Yinuo staring at him. He turned his head and glanced at her. As he felt, she was indeed dissatisfied and angry. glared at him.

Lin Yinuo glared at Li Shaojin angrily, and turned sideways to face out of the car window. She had become a little speechless for being unreasonable to him, and she was asking for trouble by reasoning with him.

There was no sound from the side for a long time, Li Shaojin frowned in wonder, and turned his head to look, only then did he realize that Lin Yinuo was sitting sideways facing the car window, the first thing he thought of was that she was angry.

According to past experience, he never opened his mouth to provoke her who was already angry with him. At this time, he had better choose to remain silent, otherwise she would definitely turn against him.

Both of them stopped talking, and the car suddenly fell into a state of silence, which lasted until the car stopped.


Li Shaojin opened his mouth to tell Lin Yinuo to get out of the car, but just as he opened his mouth, he saw that she had opened the car door, and she got out of the car and walked to the apartment without even turning her head to look at him.

This girl!So angry!

Facing Lin Yinuo who was walking towards the apartment, Li Shaojin complained in his heart, pulled out the car key, got out of the car and chased after him.

At the elevator door, Li Shaojin caught up with Lin Yinuo who got out of the car and left first. Whether she wanted to or not, he reached out and grabbed her. The moment the elevator door opened, he pulled her into the elevator.

It was time to get off work, and there were other people in the elevator besides the two of them.

Lin Yinuo wanted to get rid of Li Shaojin's holding her hand, but seeing that there were other people in the elevator, she resisted and did not take any action. She just lowered her head and stared angrily at the big hand that was holding her.

As the elevator continued to run upwards, there were fewer and fewer people in the elevator, until finally only the two of them were left.

"Li Shaojin! Can you pay attention to the occasion?" Seeing that there were only the two of them left in the elevator, Lin Yinuo couldn't bear it anymore, turned sideways and began to accuse the man beside him.

Being accused by the little woman beside her, Li Shaojin not only didn't feel the slightest bit of unhappiness, but also looked quite happy, with a beautiful arc raised at the corner of her mouth, "Are you finally willing to talk to me?"

She was bored all the way, and he was also bored all the way. Hearing her talk to him, his mood became cheerful without warning.


Lin Yinuo blinked his big watery eyes, and for a moment didn't know how to respond to Li Shaojin.

"What are you! Go away!"

At this time, the elevator just stopped, and after the elevator door opened, he pulled her out of the elevator.

Lin Yinuo was very dissatisfied with Li Shaojin's dominance and strength, and was about to vent a few words to him, when she suddenly saw several people standing in the corridor.

When she saw clearly the people standing in the corridor, her expression suddenly became ugly.

Lin Yinuo's abnormality caught Li Shaojin's attention, and he followed her gaze and turned his head to look at her. The situation in his eyes made his face sink instantly.

After a pause, he pulled her around and was about to step into the elevator again, but just as he stretched out his hand to press the elevator, his mother Chu Erlan's voice came from behind him, "Shaojin! Are you standing outside the door?"

(End of this chapter)

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