Chapter 416
When Li Shaojin rushed to Yujing Hotel in a hurry, Lin Yinuo had already been sent back to the room by the hotel staff. He didn't stay for a moment, and took the elevator upstairs to find her in the room.

Worried that knocking on the door would scare Lin Yinuo who was in the room, Li Shaojin didn't knock on the door directly. He took out the phone from his pocket and dialed her immediately.


After the phone rang a few times, Lin Yinuo picked up the phone. Listening to the voice, she was in a much better mood than before.

When Li Shaojin came, his heart sank slightly, and he said softly to the person on the other side of the phone: "I'm outside your room door, please open the door for me."

After speaking, he turned his ear to the door and listened to the movement in the room.

blah blah blah!

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Li Shaojin straightened up and looked into the door. Before he had time to see the situation in front of him clearly, he saw a figure rushing towards him like lightning. He instinctively opened his arms to welcome the person who was rushing towards him. figure.

"Why did you come?"

Lin Yinuo complained about Li Shaojin who came late, but her two arms tightly wrapped around him, and her head leaned hard on his chest. Only in this way could she truly feel his existence .

Li Shaojin retracted his arms, hugged Lin Yinuo in his arms even tighter, bowed his head and kissed her smooth forehead, "I'm here, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Comforting softly, he carried her into the room.

"Li Shaojin! Let me go!"

The moment the door was just closed, Lin Yinuo straightened her head suddenly, and looked up at Li Shaojin who was hugging her. At this moment, there was no tenderness on her face, but dissatisfaction and resentment towards him instead.

Seeing this scene, Li Shaojin frowned in wonder, "What's wrong?"

It was fine just now, why did it suddenly become like this after entering the house.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?"

It's fine if you don't chase her out to find her, but you don't even give her a call. Thinking that you haven't waited for Li Shaojin in the restaurant for four hours, Lin Yinuo feels very angry. If she didn't run fast just now, She still didn't know where she would be dragged away by that drunk man.

Hearing this, Li Shaojin frowned even tighter, "Yiyi! If you talk nonsense again, I'll be rude to you."

After receiving her call, he abandoned his grandfather who was injured by himself and was put in the intensive care unit and rushed over to see her, but she didn't appreciate it at all, and even said such hurtful words.

"You only threaten me and bully me all day long, Li Shaojin! I've had enough of you!"

He was frightened by the drunk just now, not only did he not comfort himself, but he threatened her like this, Lin Yinuo's eyes widened in anger, and his delicate face was covered with anger.

Lin Yinuo's roar made Li Shaojin calm down all of a sudden. He took a long breath, relieved the sullenness in his heart, and said softly: "I'm sorry! I was not good just now, I don't Should have spoken to you like that."

When apologizing, he raised his hand and rubbed her head.


Li Shaojin suddenly changed his attitude and apologized to himself, Lin Yinuo was blindsided for a while, and looked at him stupidly with big watery eyes, and just looked at him quietly without saying a word.

Seeing this, Li Shaojin smiled, lowered his head and kissed her bright pink lips, "Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you know me?"

(End of this chapter)

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