Chapter 419
Li Shaojin's words and deeds today made Lin Yinuo very surprised and puzzled, and even a little angry in his heart. He didn't chase her in the afternoon and didn't call her. She took the initiative to call him to come over, but he still wanted to leave. Let her live alone in this strange hotel.

She was frightened just now, but he wanted her to heal her wounds alone in this dark night.

"Go! No!" She waved her hand at him, turned and walked into the room, and the moment she reached out to close the door, he quickly came in.

"It's not that I don't want to stay with you, it's that I really have something to do tonight." Lin Yinuo never hid his emotions, Li Shaojin knew she was angry with him with just one glance, God knows how much he missed Stay here with her, but he really can't do that. If he doesn't go back to the hospital tonight, his uncle will definitely investigate this time thoroughly, and she will be implicated by then.

Hearing this, Lin Yinuo reached out and pushed Li Shaojin out of the door. While pushing him out, she muttered dissatisfiedly: "I didn't ask you to stay with me. You'd better never come to me again after you leave." gone."

"One by one! I'm going to be angry when you talk like that."

This girl!Li Shaojin knew that Lin Yinuo was angry when he said that he didn't want to come to her, but he still couldn't help expressing his dissatisfaction with her a little.

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Yinuo immediately blew up, "You go! You go! I don't want to see you again."

It was fine not to accompany her, but she threatened and warned her again and again, and she was so angry that she pushed him out the door.

"One by one! Let's stop making trouble, shall we?"

Seeing Lin Yinuo pushing himself out of the door angrily, Li Shaojin was not annoyed at all, but he felt extremely uncomfortable. He stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms, "Are you obedient? It's time to go!"

He went back late, and the guy who was afraid of chaos in the world didn't know what he was going to do.

Lin Yinuo struggled hard: "You go away, and I didn't hold you back."

She almost yelled at him, and in this silent night, her yelling was particularly loud.

Lin Yinuo's shout caught the attention of the staff on this floor, and he walked over quickly looking for the sound with the walkie-talkie, but he couldn't find the source of the sound just now after walking around this floor.

Could it be that there was a hallucination just now?
The staff member shook his head in puzzlement, turned and returned to his duty room.

At this time, in the room...

Li Shaojin put one arm around Lin Yinuo's waist, and covered her mouth with the other, "Yiyi! I know you are very angry with me now, and I also know that you really want me to stay with you. I also want to stay with you, but I really have something to do tonight, it's true! I never lied to you!"

He looked at her seriously and sincerely, not daring to show the slightest slack or insert expression.


With his mouth covered by one hand, Lin Yinuo could only make a humming sound, and stared at the owner of the big hand with a pair of big watery eyes, which meant to say: let me go quickly.

Li Shaojin understood the meaning expressed in Lin Yinuo's eyes, and took away his hand covering her mouth, but the hand around his waist did not intend to let go at all, which made her very angry, "Aren't you in a hurry Do you want to leave? Let go of me now! Don't beat me up and say that I won't let you go later. "

(End of this chapter)

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