Mrs Li, you are married

Chapter 427 Christmas Chapter Unhappy 6

Chapter 427 Unhappy Christmas 6
Lin Yinuo took a taxi to the nearest hospital to the coffee shop, where she went to the burn department to find a doctor to treat her injured hand. After the treatment, she took the ointment prescribed by the doctor and left the hospital in peace.

Walking out of the gate of the hospital, Lin Yinuo didn't know where she should go for a moment. Just as she was standing at the gate of the hospital, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

Taking out the phone, she saw that it was Ji Yan calling her. Thinking that she ran out of school without asking for leave, she didn't dare to have any hesitation, and immediately answered the phone.

"Hey! Yan..."

"where are you now?"

Before the second word Yan could be uttered, the person on the other side of the phone unceremoniously interrupted Lin Yinuo, and the one who interrupted her was not the owner himself, Ji Yan, but her adoptive father Lin Zhiyuan, here she is Well, he yelled, "Dad!"

"Where are you?"

Lin Zhiyuan's voice sounded very deep, and Lin Yinuo could hear that he was trying to suppress his anger, and her heart was beating wildly.

She knew that her adoptive father would come to find her, but this came too soon, right?Didn't he just cancel the marriage in the morning, so he came to settle accounts with her so soon.

Lin Yinuo is now the first and the second eldest. She wants to hide from her, but if she can hide today, can she hide tomorrow?Unless she completely disappears from this city.

Otherwise, it's all bullshit.

"I'm in the small square near the school!"

Lin Yinuo chose a small square near the school to meet Lin Zhiyuan, thinking that Lin Zhiyuan, who was crowded with people in the square, would restrain his emotions, and she would be relatively safer.

While talking, she walked to the side of the road to take a taxi. She had to get there before Lin Zhiyuan arrived, otherwise her lie would be seen through.

"You are waiting for me there, I will go to find you."

Lin Zhiyuan didn't choose another place to meet Lin Yinuo. After asking Ji Yan for the address, he hung up the phone and left the school and went straight to the small square she mentioned.

As soon as Lin Yinuo took a taxi to the small square, she saw Lin Zhiyuan driving over. She raised her hand and patted her chest. It was so dangerous!Almost got caught.

After a screech of brakes, the car stopped at a distance of about [-] centimeters in front of Lin Yinuo like lightning. Before she could dodge in time, she was covered in cold sweat and her legs trembled uncontrollably.

If the car drove a little further, she would have already flown into the sky, this is the rhythm to kill her!

When Lin Yinuo was still in shock, Lin Zhiyuan opened the car door and got out of the car, walked up to her in a big step, raised his hand and swung her face towards her.

After the crisp applause, Lin Yinuo screamed in pain: "Ah!"

"You white-eyed wolf, it's okay to raise you so old and don't know how to be grateful, but you don't know how to ruin my business." Lin Zhiyuan has been waiting for good news from the Li family these days, but what he waited for was cancellation The bad news of the marriage, and this result was caused by this desperate girl.

He raised her so big, but she wanted to tear him down, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, he raised his hand and slapped her hard again.

"Dad! I didn't mean to!"

Lin Yinuo originally thought that Lin Zhiyuan would be a little more restrained when people were coming and going, but she underestimated the impact of this incident on Lin Zhiyuan, and she also overestimated Lin Zhiyuan's self-control.

(End of this chapter)

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