Mrs Li, you are married

Chapter 432 Why Are You So Angry?

Chapter 432 Why Are You So Angry?

Hearing Li Shaojin's question, Lin Yinuo suddenly remembered the two slaps that Lin Zhiyuan slapped her. After so long, has her face not returned to normal?Subconsciously, she raised her hand to touch her cheek that had been slapped twice.

"How is my face frozen?" She didn't dare to let him know what happened to her just now, and deliberately pretended to be confused with him.

"My aunt came to see you just now?"

Li Shaojin ignored Lin Yinuo's pretending to be confused, and stretched out his hand to brush away her hanging hair. He took a closer look at her relatively large side of the cheek, and could still vaguely see finger prints.

He gasped at the sight of the situation, his aunt was really ruthless.

Lin Yinuo nodded: "Yes!"

As she nodded, she lifted her hand away from his hand that was stroking her hair. She didn't want him to ask about the abnormal condition of her cheek.

"No matter what she told you, don't pay attention to it." Li Shaojin didn't need to think about what Li Hongyan said to Lin Yinuo. It was undoubtedly the words to make her leave him, and those words must be ugly.

Based on what he knew about her, she must be very angry, and dared to contradict his aunt. His aunt was not a cheap lamp, but this attack was a bit too ruthless.

Lin Yinuo didn't want to talk about this matter with Li Shaojin anymore, so he changed the subject: "Have you finished your work?"


Li Shaojin didn't expect that Lin Yinuo would suddenly change the subject, but this was what he wanted to see, and he didn't want to continue talking to her about topics that made her unhappy.

Lin Yinuo immediately replied: "Then you go back and do your own business, I should go back to school too."

As she said that, she had already lifted her foot and walked to the side of the road.

"Wait a minute!" Li Shaojin grabbed Lin Yinuo who was walking towards the side of the road, and dragged her to her car, "Go to the hospital before going back to school."

Her cheeks were so swollen that he wanted to take her to the hospital for a look.

"What are you going to the hospital for?"

Lin Yinuo dragged her body and refused to go with Li Shaojin. She knew what he was going to take her to the hospital for. The swollen cheeks would heal naturally in two days, so she wouldn't go to the hospital to shame her.

Li Shaojin took Lin Yinuo's hand and hooked it slightly, and she rushed towards him obediently, and he raised his arm to embrace her, "Your face needs to be treated in the hospital."

"I'm not going!"

"must go!"

Lin Yinuo refused to go to the hospital to see his face, and Li Shaojin insisted on dragging her to the hospital to see his face. His domineering and strong made her very angry, who was unhappy in her heart, and she suddenly broke out at this moment when she was suffocated.

"Li Shaojin! I said I wouldn't go, why did you insist on taking me? Can you take my feelings into consideration?" She turned sideways and yelled at him, the more she yelled, the more agitated she became, and she Pulling away his hand from his shoulder, "Don't come to me in the future, I don't want to see you again!"

After yelling at him, she turned around and strode towards the side of the road.

"If you don't go, why don't you go? What are you doing so angry?" Li Shaojin hurriedly followed, the tall and long-legged man caught up with Lin Yinuo, who was about to leave, and caught her at the same time hands.


Li Shaojin, who was chasing after her, grabbed Lin Yinuo's hand that was scalded by coffee. Because of his force, there was a heart-rending pain in the affected part of her hand, and she screamed unbearably.

(End of this chapter)

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