Mrs Li, you are married

Chapter 435 I Didn't Believe You

Chapter 435 I Didn't Believe You

Seeing that Lin Yinuo didn't speak immediately, Li Shaojin felt that things were not that simple. She had injuries on her hands and face. The injuries on her face were caused by beatings, but how did the injuries on her hands come about?

"One by one! Can you tell me how you got the injury on your hand?" He raised her injured hand and asked.

"Li Shaojin! I found that you seem to be very busy, not as busy as you say."

Lin Yinuo didn't even look at her injured hand, and she didn't struggle, because she knew that she couldn't break free even if she struggled, so she simply didn't waste that effort.

Hearing that Lin Yinuo suddenly changed the subject, Li Shaojin frowned, "Yi Yi! Don't change the subject, tell me what's going on with your hand?"

The more she was like this, the more he felt that the injury on her hand was strange.

"Li Shaojin! I..."

"I'm very busy, but I still have this little time, don't try to fool me, tell me what's going on?"

As soon as Lin Yinuo spoke, Li Shaojin knew that she wanted to get away with it, and before she could say the rest, he directly cut off her words.

Pressed by Li Shaojin, Lin Yinuo was in trouble for a while, and she didn't want him to know about it, but now he insisted on it and wouldn't let go, she said no, and she didn't say no.

"Li Shaojin! Can you stop asking? I'm going back to school for class." Lin Yinuo hesitated for a while, and finally chose not to speak, but Li Shaojin couldn't pass her choice at all.

"If you don't tell me, I'll take you to the hospital and ask the doctor. I believe the doctor will tell me what's going on." Li Shaojin said, and was about to pull Lin Yinuo to his car. We must take her to the hospital, whether she says it or not.

Seeing this, Lin Yinuo hurriedly grabbed Li Shaojin and forced him to stop. In a hurry, she blurted out: "I won't go to the hospital, my hand was burned by coffee."


Li Shaojin was very surprised. He thought that the injury on Lin Yinuo's hand was caused by Li Hongyan's hand. He never thought that it was scalded by coffee.

When this matter was mentioned again, Lin Yinuo felt very uncomfortable. He rolled his eyes at Li Shaojin unhappy, "Yes! I was scalded by your aunt with coffee. She was going to burn my face, but in the end I was scalded. Block it with your hands."

"Are you satisfied now? Can I go?"

She stared at a pair of big watery eyes, and stared dissatisfiedly at him who was holding on to her and wouldn't let go.

"She's going to burn your face?!"

Li Shaojin couldn't believe what he heard. He knew that his aunt was not a cheap lamp, but he never thought that his aunt would do such a vicious thing.

Unaware Lin Yinuo thought that Li Shaojin didn't believe what he said, and rolled his eyes at him angrily: "Do I need to tell you nonsense? Since you don't believe me, why did you keep asking me just now?"

"I didn't disbelieve you, I just didn't expect my aunt to do such a thing." Li Shaojin was angry besides heartache, heartbroken that Lin Yinuo had suffered such a big grievance, and angry that her aunt could take a car for such a thing. .

Lin Yinuo took a long breath, relieved his emotions, and looked up at Li Shaojin, "Li Shaojin! Please tell your family, so that they don't come to me again, I can't bear their treatment of me focus on."

(End of this chapter)

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