Mrs Li, you are married

Chapter 440 It Looks Like My Life Will Be Hard From Now On

Chapter 440 It Looks Like My Life Will Be Hard From Now On
Looking at Lin Yinuo, Li Shaojin opened the car door and got out of the car, and only answered the phone when she was sure she couldn't hear her in the car.

"Brother! What's the matter?" He asked bluntly.

"where are you now?"

Li Shaokun's tone sounded anxious, but his voice was very low, and it could be heard that he was deliberately lowering his voice.

Li Shaojin heard the abnormality of his brother on the phone through the phone. He didn't know what happened, and he became a little worried, "I'm eating something outside, what happened?"

"Are you with the second miss of the Lin family?"

As soon as Li Shaokun said this, Li Shaojin frowned, and turned his head to look around him. He didn't find his brother, so he frowned even tighter.

"I'm alone." He blurted out in denial.

"Are you really alone?" Li Shaokun asked in disbelief.

"Brother! What on earth are you calling me for? Did you just say don't go around the corner?" The brother on the other side of the phone asked repeatedly, and Li Shaojin seemed a little impatient, his tone was very aggressive when he spoke, and his attitude began to become bad.

Li Shaokun may have been shocked, or he might have been pissed off, anyway, he was quiet for a while before speaking again: "I just heard my aunt call my uncle, saying that you left the injured grandpa alone and went to find the second brother of the Lin family. Miss, let uncle take good care of you for grandpa and mother."

When talking about the words "uncle" and "Guan Guan", he specially emphasized his tone, just to make the younger brother on the phone pay more attention.

"I'll be right back!"

After Li Shaojin finished speaking, he hung up the phone, regardless of whether his brother on the other side had anything to say, or how his brother would react, he put away the phone and returned to the car.

When Li Shaojin was on the phone outside the car just now, Lin Yinuo had been looking at him through the half-open car window. Although he was standing with his back to her side, she could feel that the call just now must be unusual, otherwise Nor would he answer the phone with his back to her, which he had never done before.

"If you have something to do, go and do it. I'll take a taxi back to school." She thought he must be busy, so she opened the door and got out of the car.

"No rush! I'll take you back."

Li Shaojin grabbed Lin Yinuo, the uncle's problem was not something that could be solved in a short while, and he still had time to send her back.

Lin Yinuo looked at Li Shaojin, did not insist on his opinion, sat down in his seat, and asked him to send her back to school.

"Okay! I'll give you this opportunity to be courteous for the sake of the gift you gave me." After walking around with him, her mood became better and better, and anyone who was good could smile and follow him. He joked.

Seeing Lin Yinuo smiling so happily, the haze in Li Shaojin's heart was swept away, "Thank you then! My dear Yiyi!"

He reached out and rubbed her seaweed-like hair, and before he retracted his hand, he still poked Crayon Shin-chan in her arms, "And you little one!"

"Li Shaojin! Why are you poking my Xiaoxin?"

Lin Yinuo patted Li Shaojin's hand that poked Crayon Shin-chan in dissatisfaction, as revenge for Crayon Shin-chan. After the revenge, she immediately leaned against the car door with Crayon Shin-chan to prevent him from attacking her and her family Xiaoxin.

Seeing this scene, Li Shaojin sighed helplessly: "It seems that I will have a hard time in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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