Mrs Li, you are married

Chapter 471 When Are You Coming?

Chapter 471 When Are You Coming Back?

During the meal, in order to increase her chances of success, Xu Jiani seemed to have no intention of leaking the truth, and let Xiao Duoer know about Lin Yinuo and Qiao Jingxi's going to Greece.

"Daddy! Mommy! Are you going to Greece tomorrow? Where is Greece? Is it far from us?" Hearing that Mommy and Daddy are going to Greece, Xiao Duo'er didn't have the heart to eat any more, so she poured the spoon into the bowl As soon as he released it, he looked sideways at Lin Yinuo who was sitting beside him.

Hearing this, Lin Yinuo also put down the chopsticks in his hand, sat sideways facing Xiao Duo'er, and said to Xiao Duo'er very seriously: "Daddy and Mommy are going on a business trip to Greece tomorrow, you..."

"What is a business trip?" Xiao Duo'er didn't understand what a business trip was, and asked her mommy with her big watery eyes blinking.

Lin Yinuo tilted his head and pondered for a while before replying: "Mummy and Daddy are going to work in Greece for a few days, and we will come back here after finishing work, so the few days when Mommy is away , you are going to live at grandma’s house.”

"Mommy! I want to go to Greece with you."

Xiao Duo'er has never left Lin Yinuo's side since she grew up. When she heard that she was going to be left alone at grandma's house by Mummy, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Lin Yinuo has never been separated from Xiaoduoer in the past few years, thinking that she will be separated from Xiaoduoer for several days tomorrow, she also feels very uncomfortable in her heart, Xiaoduoer has not cried yet, she sees it first tears.

Qiao Jingxi, who has been paying attention to the conversation between the mother and daughter, noticed the tears in Lin Yinuo's eyes at the first time, and he quickly opened his mouth to make a rescue: "Duo'er! Daddy and Mommy are going to work this time, I will wait until you are on vacation. May I take you out to play with Mommy?"

"Our little Duo'er is obedient and sensible. Daddy and Mommy are going to work, so of course our little Duo'er will stay at home with her grandparents." Anna also noticed the glitch in Lin Yinuo's eyes. Tears, quickly got up and walked towards Xiao Duo'er, she wanted to pick up Xiao Duo'er and sit on her side, but Xiao Duo'er hugged Lin Yinuo one step ahead of her.

Xiao Duo'er hugged her mommy tightly, as if Lin Yinuo was about to leave now, she just nestled quietly in her mommy's arms, neither crying nor making trouble, just saying nothing Fat hugging his mommy.

Seeing Xiao Duo'er nestled in her arms, Lin Yinuo felt even more uncomfortable. Tears welled up in her eyes. Worried that Xiao Duo'er would see her, she quickly turned her head to face another place, and at the same time raised her hand to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks .

Seeing this scene, Qiao Jingxi glared dissatisfiedly at Xu Jiani, who was deliberately leaking, but she ignored his dissatisfaction, and looked at Lin Yinuo gloatingly.

He was so angry that he pointed at her. If he hadn't been afraid of scaring Xiao Duo'er again, he would have gotten up early and pulled her out of the house.

"Duo'er! What gift do you want? Daddy and Mummy will buy it for you when they come back." Anna reached out and touched Xiao Duo'er's head, trying to coax Xiao Duo'er with a gift, but this trick didn't seem to work. does not work.

Lin Yinuo took a deep breath, relieved his sad emotions, and smiled at Anna pretending to be relaxed: "Auntie! Duo'er will be fine in a while, you go to eat, or the meal will be cold gone."


"Mom! Don't worry, Duoer and I will do a good job here."

Anna was worried, and Qiao Jingxi knew it very well, but he knew that such worry would only be counterproductive, so he hurriedly stopped her from standing here to increase the burden on Lin Yinuo and Xiao Duo'er.

Hearing this, Anna looked at Lin Yinuo and Xiao Duo'er, and then turned her head to look at Qiao Jingxi. After Qiao Jingxi gave her a reassuring look, she walked around and sat back in her original seat with peace of mind.

"Mommy! How many days have you been out to work with Daddy? When will you come back?" After a long while, Xiao Duo'er finally raised her head from Lin Yinuo's arms, and asked her mommy seriously .

Seeing that Xiao Duo'er finally stopped sulking in Lin Yinuo's arms, the three people except Xu Jiani breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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