Mrs Li, you are married

Chapter 486 I Will Not Leave

Chapter 486 I Will Not Leave
It took a while for Xu Jiani to slowly recover from the shock. When she recovered, she felt aggrieved and angry, broke away from Li Shaojin's grip on her hand, and walked towards Qiao Jingxi who was walking over, crying.

"Brother Jingxi! That bitch Lin Yinuo...she hit me!" As soon as she yelled out the word "cheesy", Xu Jiani suddenly remembered the slap she had just received, and immediately changed her words. She also subconsciously raised her hand to touch her own The cheek on the side of the slap.

Although Qiao Jingxi was not in front of him just now, he still heard what happened here, especially what Xu Jiani said about Lin Yinuo and Li Shaojin, her voice was so loud that he could hear it very clearly.

Hearing what she said just now, he really wanted to slap her twice.

"Go back to your room quickly, don't make trouble for me here." He didn't have the slightest sympathy for her, the situation here was complicated enough, and he didn't want her to make things more messy here.

"Brother Jingxi! You..."

"Go back to your own room!"

Xu Jiani originally wanted to get some comfort and sympathy from Qiao Jingxi, but not only did she not get both, but she was driven back to her room by Qiao Jingxi. In addition to being wronged, she felt incredible, and even more angry and dissatisfied with Lin Yinuo.

Seeing that Xu Jiani didn't intend to go back to her room, Qiao Jingxi urged again: "Hurry up and go back to your own room!"

Worried that she would be disobedient, he pulled her towards her room.

"Li Shaojin! Hurry up and go back, my place is already messed up, I don't want to make it any more." Seeing Qiao Jingxi dragging Xu Jiani away, Lin Yinuo also chased Li Shaojin away, what happened today It made her head almost explode, and she was really worried that it would really happen if she didn't calm down again.

It was not easy for Li Shaojin to find Lin Yinuo, and he wanted to cling to her every minute, how could he leave her as soon as he said to leave, he bent down and hugged her again regardless of whether she agreed, "I'll take you back to the room."

With that said, he hugged her and walked towards her room.

When the three of them were arguing here just now, Qiao Jingxi had already opened the door of Lin Yinuo's room, and put the phone on the table in the room for her.

"Li Shaojin! You..."

"Don't drive me away, I won't go."

As soon as Lin Yinuo opened her mouth, Li Shaojin guessed what she wanted to say, he interrupted her very bluntly, and told her clearly what he was thinking.

Li Shaojin's attitude was very firm, and Lin Yinuo nunu kept silent, allowing him to carry him back to the room.

"Have you brought medicine?" After putting her on the sofa, he was about to start applying medicine to her injured foot.

"What medicine?" Lin Yinuo didn't know what kind of medicine Li Shaojin wanted, so he blurted out a question.

"Isn't your foot hurt? I want to spray you with some medicine." Li Shaojin came anxiously, and only wanted to see Lin Yinuo as soon as possible. When going out, apart from passport cards and other things, other messy luggage He didn't bring any of them.

Lin Yinuo shook his head: "I only brought medicine for colds and diarrhea, I didn't bring other medicines."

How could she have thought that she could sprain her foot, and it was all due to him. If he hadn't gone crazy, she wouldn't have sprained her foot.

"Be patient, I'll call Jiang Zhen to buy it." Li Shaojin took out the phone from his pocket and was about to call Jiang Zhen again. At this time, Lin Yinuo's phone on the table rang suddenly. He subconsciously picked up the phone by the table.

"Mother Qiao!" Looking at the phone, he read out subconsciously.

As soon as Lin Yinuo heard the call from Qiao's mother, Lin Yinuo immediately thought of his daughter Xiao Duo'er. This call was probably made by Xiao Duo'er holding Qiao's mother's phone.

Thinking of this, she suddenly became panicked, it would be bad if he accidentally touched the phone and connected.

"Give me back the phone." Without caring about her injured foot, she quickly got up and walked towards him quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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