Chapter 1009
Hearing the sound of the door being knocked open, the two crew members trembled, and instinctively burst out all kinds of "persuasion" words, trying to delay time, but after seeing Yun Yi, they all stopped.

There is no one else, because Yun Yi is only one person.

The terrorist who broke into the captain's cabin alone?
Or a guy who looks like a gentleman?
The two crew members look at each other and think they can save it, try to subdue this terrorist or something.

Before the two could move, Yun Yi suddenly took out the Desert Eagle from his pocket, raised his hand at the two crew members and shot.

A shot went off.

Immediately there was a big hole in the thick air seat.

It's not a lighter taken out in a restaurant, but a real lethal weapon.

"Crash landing." After shocking the two crew members, Yun Yi immediately gave an unquestionable order.

"No." Although the two crew members were terrified, they still instinctively refused, "There is no airport suitable for landing nearby, and there is no difference between a forced landing and a crash."

"The window is broken. It's better to crash than to freeze to death in the cabin."

Hearing these words, the already bad faces of the two crew members turned even paler.

The two really wanted to scold this "terrorist", but they didn't have the courage to grit their teeth in their hearts. They had never seen such an unprofessional terrorist who hijacked the plane and crashed the plane.

If you really don't want your life, what kind of forced landing will you come here again.

Cursing and cursing in their hearts, the two still contacted the ground in a hurry to find a suitable place for an emergency landing.

"No landing zone..."

"Not suitable..."

"If it's not suitable, you have to descend." Yun Yi snorted coldly, even if he landed on the roof of a nearby building, he had to stop.

Yun Yi forced the two of them to make an emergency landing, and the situation in the cabin was also extremely dangerous.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, there is no need for a refrigerator, and the water in the water glass has frozen into ice cubes.

The panic-stricken people shrank into a ball now, all of them trembling and their faces were blue. Several people had already passed out.

Seeing those people fainting one by one, Ye You could not help curling his lips, "Why are you so weak, you can't even stand the temperature, or I'll just light a fire."

"Don't do it." Bai Ruoqian hurriedly said to stop her dangerous behavior.

Ling Prison also stared at Ye You closely, afraid of what she would do.

"I'm just talking about it, and I won't really burn it. These people are so weak that they can't even stand the low temperature, let alone my flame. If there is a spark, they will all be burned to ashes."

"I don't know if Yun Yi can handle it..." Ye You muttered while flipping through the space ring, "I don't know if these weak humans can bear the elixir..."

At this moment, the plane shook suddenly and descended rapidly.

"What... what's going on?"

"Are we... dead?"

"The plane is going to crash... did it crash?"

Sensing this movement, the few people near the window looked outside with difficulty, and asked tremblingly.

If you don't experience it yourself, you can't understand the icy cold that even makes your bones brittle. The crash at this time is a kind of relief for them.

At the same time, everyone on the ground below was on guard.

The area where the plane was expected to land was the center of a second-tier city, and the monitoring saw the plane staggering and falling, and all the relevant departments were surprised.

While trying to contact the plane above, they activated various emergency plans.

"Warning, there are terrorists hijacking the plane."

"They went to the tallest building in the city!"

"Quick! The terrorists are planning a terrorist attack!"

Just when the relevant departments were about to notify the emergency evacuation, the direction of the crashing plane suddenly changed and it went towards the Political and Legal Building.

"My God! They're headed for the government building! They must know about the inspection by the provincial leaders!"

Before waiting for the emergency notification from all the departments, the plane that was hanging on everyone's hearts turned again.

"They went to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital!"

"These damned terrorists are targeting women and children!"

Most of the people in the tallest building and the government center are adults. Although it is difficult to evacuate, it is not impossible.

But the women and children's hospital are full of weak women and children, how to evacuate!

Yun Yi has been in the captain's room, and his ears are full of exclamations and curses from the heads of relevant departments.

He wanted to say, have you ever seen a terrorist who chooses the crash site with all his heart and tries his best to minimize the damage!

But after thinking about it, I finally felt that the language was weak, after all, they caused the crash.

The relevant departments didn't know what Yun Yi was thinking, they were all focused on crashing the plane, for fear that this damn plane would cause trouble again, but fortunately, after going through a series of thrilling events, the plane was finally safe.

The plane, which made nine twists and eighteen turns, finally chose the playground when it was about to fall completely.

Most of the amusement parks are low-rise amusement facilities, and the distance between each other is relatively far, and it is a working day, and there are almost no people in the park, which is the most suitable for downtime.

The only few children were evacuated in an emergency. Watching the plane drop rapidly from a distance, they all cheered with excitement, thinking that aliens had arrived on the earth.

As soon as the plane came to a complete stop, a large number of people ran out scrambling to be the first, all looking excited about surviving after a catastrophe.

Seeing how quickly those people hated their parents for losing two legs, Yun Yi was really worried about a stampede accident.

Due to the timely emergency landing, there were no casualties, and with the support of Yunyi's spiritual power, the damage to the plane was not too great.

Of course, how to move such a big plane out later is also a big project.

But now he was worried that it would not be that far, because the four of them, as "terrorists", had been closely monitored.

The special police with guns and live ammunition first surrounded the circle, surrounded by police cars flashing red and blue lights, and snipers were already on the lookout for several sniper spots in the distance.

If it is other terrorists, if they go out under such circumstances and make any moves, they will definitely be beaten into a sieve.

Yun Yi turned his head to look at the three of them, but saw that the three of them were more curious than the other, staring at the special police and the sniper's gun in the distance, talking a lot.

Their eyesight is very good. For snipers, the distance that needs a scope to see is just a matter of raising their eyes.

Yun Yi had already explained to them the composition of Hua Guo's personnel to maintain stability, so now they know that the disturbance they made is quite big.

But it's one thing to know, and another to react, at least Bai Ruoqian and the others were not frightened by the battle at all.

Yun Yi sighed speechlessly, a day trip to prison can be regarded as a different kind of enjoyment in modern society.

The sun is shining, the spring is just right, and the modern style, please enjoy it.

Mountain of the Gods.


Yun Yi leisurely knocked the small bell in front of him with a wine bottle, knocking You Qing who was in a daze from time to time to regain his senses, "Why are you in the mood to come to my place today?"

"That said, I usually don't seem to come."

You Qing flicked the sleeves of his robe to block the too bright sunlight, "However, it is true that there is something wrong. I have been practicing a few days ago, and I feel that there is an opportunity for you."

"Your chance? My son hasn't found my daughter-in-law so far. You still come to me to find a chance. I'm afraid you're not going to let me throw you down the mountain."

At that time on Punishment Mountain, Yeyou and his two saw their daughter was seriously injured and taken away by Yun Ya. In a rage, they didn't listen to You Qing's explanation and razed Punishment Mountain to the ground.

Then the two embarked on a journey to find their daughter, and Yun Rui also went to find his wife.

Logically speaking, it should be easy to find Xiao Chuyu and Yunya together, but there is Chiyue beside Yunya.

Not long after Chi Yue took shape, she was also a child at heart, and she wanted Xiao Chuyu to be her daughter-in-law. Yun Ya also wanted to teach Ye You a lesson.

"I said, you are a father, your son is looking for a wife so hard, and you don't help. Where are Yun Ya and the other three, don't you know when you feel it?"

You Qing turned over on the green lawn, "I haven't settled the account with you for the Punishment Mountain yet, Yeyou is your natal contract beast, she destroyed my Treasure Mountain, you should build it .”

Yun Yi was not led astray by reasoning, he shook his hand, "Punishing Beast Mountain is too evil, it will harm the peace of heaven, and it would be a good thing to ruin it."

"Wow, you are now in the mood to pay attention to the harmony of the sky. It seems that your daughter-in-law is going to leave the customs?"

You Qing turned over and looked at Yun Yi expectantly, "Couldn't it be possible to see the beautiful woman Ruoqian again?"

Yun Yi, who had always been leisurely and leisurely, took a rare pause, then shook his head lightly, "I don't know."

Two years ago, after Your Excellency Killing's birthday was over, Ruoqian said that she was going to retreat, and then she went to some small world.

Yun Yi wanted to investigate, but Ruoqian's sense of soul power was almost equal to his. If his soul power swept over, it happened to be the critical moment of Ruoqian's Jin state, and it was easy to miss things, so he could only wait.

This wait is two years. If there is no movement in a few days, he will use the power of the source to investigate.

"Hey, let me tell you, you are usually very close to each other. You haven't seen your daughter-in-law for two years, but you can still bear it. Aren't you afraid that she will run away with someone else?"

Yun Yi smiled and glanced at You Qing, "Are you looking for a fight?"

"Okay." You Qing shrugged. Given the relationship between the two, that possibility really didn't exist, but he just couldn't help it.

"Your daughter-in-law is such a stunning beauty that it is difficult for all the immortals to find a second one. Are you really not careful?"

"You have time to be a mother-in-law here, why don't you find a daughter-in-law by yourself." Just when You Qing was agitated, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

The two looked up, only to see that the person who came was wearing a snow-white long dress with dark silver patterns, and his face was alluring.

She has a stunning appearance and a fairy temperament, but she has such a beautiful appearance, but it does not make people feel contemptuous and delusional. The noble gods come in the sun, and they can only look up and worship.

Yun Yi stood up with a smile, and with a sway of his figure, he came to the person who came, "I'm back."

It seemed that Bai Ruoqian hadn't crossed a difficult pass, but went outside to bask in the sun for a while, as if they hadn't been separated for two years, if they only met a quarter of an hour ago.

You Qing was stunned for a long time before finding her own voice, "Ruoqian, you are getting more and more..."

(End of this chapter)

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