Chapter 144
"Boy, you really don't know what's wrong with you when you're about to die."

Jiang Henshui raised his two fingers together, and there was a little force fluctuation at the fingertips, and an invisible pressure rushed towards Yun Yi.

Jiang Henshui looked at Yun Yi proudly. He has been in Taixue for several years. Except for the first year of humiliation, he used this method to teach the freshmen every year after that. No freshman could resist his attitude. one move.

Because Taixue had a special design when it was built, each residence has a layer of protection, which can isolate the communication between the inside and the outside world. .

There is no eternally peaceful continent, nor is there an eternal dynasty. Any force, any place will experience many things. These protections are a shelter for all students.

But he might not have thought that this layer of protection would be used by Jiang Henshui to avoid patrols and teach new students a lesson.

Although Taixue has always opposed the matter of teaching freshmen, once they are found out, they will be severely punished, and some people are even expelled from Taixue or have their cultivation base abolished because of this.

However, it is still repeated repeatedly. The senior students always have a strong aggressive heart towards the freshmen.

And once this kind of thing continues, the first thing the freshmen who were bullied by the senior students in the past will do is to bully the freshmen in the same way after they become old students.

They happily enjoyed the process and fun, venting all the resentment they had squeezed back then.

"With such little strength, I dare to call myself a senior student!"

Yun Yi remained motionless, as if he didn't feel anything.

Not only Yun Yi did not move, Jiang Nianyu and Jing Wuming, including his companions, did not move.

"come together!"

Jiang Henshui had never suffered this kind of loss before, and felt the difficulty of these students, so he immediately greeted the others.

Immediately, power surged in the entire courtyard, and spirit cards emerged one after another.

"If I don't beat you today, your mother won't know you, so my surname is not Jiang!"

Jiang Henshui taught the freshmen that Yun Yi was the first to look for, and naturally it was also related to Princess Mu Yu.

The news that Princess Mu Yu is coming to Taixue has already spread internally, and everyone hopes to be favored by Princess Mu Yu.

Jiang Henshui was no exception. His status in the Jiang family was not high. Because he could not get too many resources in the Jiang family, he worked desperately, and finally entered the Taixue in the last year of the Taixue age limit, and was assigned to Class A.

In order to learn more in Taixue, he even tried to extend his graduation for one year.

With such qualifications, even if he graduated from Taixue and returned to the Jiang family, he is only a middle-level person, and it is impossible to become the key training object of the Jiang family.

Therefore, he has long regarded Princess Mu Yu as an important step in his future. As long as he wins Princess Mu Yu's favor, he will be able to gain the support of the Yuntian Dynasty.

No matter how few resources the Yuntian Dynasty had, it was definitely more than what he had obtained from the Jiang family.

However, the news that Princess Mu Yu approached Yun Yi was a bolt from the blue to Jiang Henshui. He had to convince Yun Yi so that he could hold Princess Mu Yu in his hands.

The joint attack of the five people was much stronger than before. The whole yard became muddy like a swamp, and even breathing became very difficult.

Jiang Nianyu couldn't bear the strain, and his body shook slightly.

Yun Yi snorted softly, and at the same time the spiritual power surged in his body, he sighed softly, a wave of spiritual power was shot out by him, forming a protective barrier in front of him.

With the formation of this barrier, Jiang Nianyu immediately felt his body lighten, and his breathing immediately became smoother.

It has to be said that Jiang Henshui's strength is still good. After all, the strength in Yun Yi's body has been rapidly consumed by his promotion in Taixue these years. If it were someone else, his strength would have been exhausted long ago.

But the phantom power in his dantian played a huge role at this time, continuously absorbing power from the outside world, and transforming it into Yun Yi's power to output.

Jing Wuming also played a defensive line and merged with Yun Yi's. Surprisingly, he was a little more relaxed than Yun Yi, and Yun Dan looked at Jiang Henshui and the other five people calmly.

"Yun Yi, did we report to the wrong school? Taixue's senior students only have such little strength? It's too embarrassing!"

"It feels right! Even freshmen can't handle it. If this matter is revealed, how will they meet people in the future?"

Yun Yi immediately understood what Jing Wuming meant. Jiang Henshui wanted to be provocative, and if he wanted to do it now, he would definitely enrage Jiang Henshui completely. If he didn't convince them, there would be endless troubles in the future.

Only after letting him try his best, and then subdue them by himself, they will be submissive in the future.

Jiang Henshui was really enraged. Instead of using pure spiritual power to suppress it, he directly took out a fire spirit card. The light on the spirit card flickered, and then two red flames crossed and rushed towards the protection.

"You dare to come with such a little strength."

Jing Wuming said disdainfully, did not do other actions at all, and had full confidence in his own defense.

Yun Yi naturally wouldn't make too many moves.

Two flames rushed at the protection, causing ripples on the protection, but it had no effect at all.

This made Yun Yi a little surprised, this defense was made by himself and Jing Wuming, and he knew his own strength, even though he could use these two attacks immediately, it was impossible for him to have no impact at all.

Could it be that Jing Wuming's cultivation level is higher than his own?
Jing Wuming seemed to know what Yun Yi was thinking. He turned his head to look at Yun Yi, and still calmly pointed at Jiang Henshui.

"It seems that I haven't eaten dinner yet, and I have no strength. Why don't you go out and have dinner before coming back, we'll wait."

"I'm so mad, attack me together!"

Following Jiang Henshui's order, the five spirit cards launched ten attacks, rushing towards Yun Yi and Jing Wuming.

Seeing this, Jiang Nianyu took out his spirit card and wanted to join the battle, but Jing Wuming said relaxedly, "You two will watch from behind, and tomorrow we will publicize the matter of them being devastated in Taixue."

Arrogant, arrogant without a bottom line, so domineering that it cannot be increased.

"Where did you get the confidence, it's funny! The few newcomers also want to challenge us senior students, they really want to laugh out loud!"

Although Jiang Henshui refused to admit defeat, his expression was already very solemn, and he did not have the contempt and arrogance when he came in at all.

The two freshmen actually teamed up to resist the five of them joining forces for a full minute, which is already very surprising.

Jiang Henshui felt that he was unlucky, and felt a little regretful in his heart. The person who could be favored by Princess Mu Yu naturally had something special, and he was assigned to the first-class class after entering. After a detailed investigation, he rashly attacked him.

It's really not good to hear this news, let alone the whole Taixue, just spread it in the circle of seniors, and there is no way to raise your head to meet people.

"Isn't the facts before you confidence?" Yun Yi asked with a cold smile.

"Attack me!"

Jiang Henshui became completely enraged. Now that things were going on, there was no way out. He could only save his face by beating the two boys in front of him to the ground with all his strength.

The moment his words fell, four red flames spurted out from the spirit card, intersecting and rushing towards the joint protection of Yun Yi and Jing Wuming.

Although these four red flames were not Jiang Henshui's strongest power, they used at least [-]% of them. The whole yard suddenly glowed red and shone outside the protective cover.

Seeing that Jiang Henshui was really playing, the other senior students also launched their own attacks.

The protection of the compound was originally a transparent light curtain, but now it is like a rainbow in the sky, with various colors constantly shining.

In the entire freshman dormitory area, many protective light curtains were turned on, but Jing Wuming and Yun Yi's compound had this color.

"Will something happen?"

Not far from the dormitory area, the middle-aged man at the registration office stood behind the head of the courtyard, his brows furrowed.

"They will never be subdued by Jiang Henshui so easily." The head of the hospital looked at the light curtain and said calmly.

"Director, what do you mean..."

The middle-aged man looked at the head of the courtyard in surprise, not daring to say the last half of the sentence.

This news is really shocking. As the current number one powerhouse in the Yuntian Dynasty, he has never accepted an apprentice for decades. Taixue has hundreds of students every year, and there are also very outstanding young geniuses among them.

The middle-aged man was still very nervous when he accompanied the head of the school just now. He didn't know why the head of the school wanted to observe the mutual test among the students. Now he suddenly understood.

It seems that the head of the academy at the entrance of Taixue is also quietly paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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