God-level card system

Chapter 386 The event begins

Chapter 386 The event begins

Yun Yi slapped his forehead with a slap and didn't want to talk at all.

Bai Xuehong held the bowl-sized red fruit in a daze, and after digesting for a long time, he recovered from the mistake that hurt his brother-in-law. Useless, the best way to deal with it is to start thinking about ways to deal with the crisis now.

"If you really can't hide it, then don't hide it. Brother-in-law, you are in the Saint Emperor Realm now, and your natal contracted beast is very powerful in combat, and when the time comes to fight, your grandfather will definitely help you.

As for Yuka City, I guarantee that Qi Wenling will definitely help us. Two of the seven descending forces are on our side. The real opponents are actually the Temple of Light and the Valley of Beasts, and the only one who needs to be troubled is my sister in the Temple of Darkness, she cannot disobey the orders of the Dark Martial Lord..."

When mentioning this, both of them fell into silence. Yun Yi stared for a moment, then sighed softly, "There is no other way, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, I hope there won't be too many accidents..."

Although the real enemies are only the Temple of Light and the Valley of Beasts, the God of Darkness is not a vegetarian. When the time comes, the three parties will use secret treasures to fight at the same time. It will definitely be a tough battle. Thinking of this, Yun Yi can't help but feel a little heavy...

Time flies, and with the successive blooming of Yue Qionghua in Aurora City, the day of the four grand gatherings is getting closer and closer, and the always cold inner city is gradually bustling. There are no longer only the iconic white robes and white skirts of Aurora City on the road And many more colorful clothes.

In the inner city of Aurora City, people from the Tianshan Sword Sect had always thought highly of themselves, but this time there were many phantoms who came to participate in the grand meeting of the four sects. It was enough to scare the disciples of the sect to their knees.

Not only the six major forces, there are also many small forces in the Zhuxian Continent that control the gaps in space. They also cast their own phantoms, and for a while, people came and went in the city of Aurora.

In order not to prevent the members of his own sect from being oppressed, Mu Cangyu issued a ban with lightning force, strictly forbidding the warriors of Aurora City from conflicting with the participants, and resolutely expelled several saint-level warriors who made trouble, and the city of Aurora was quiet down.

As for the conflict between the phantoms, Mu Cangyu turned a blind eye and pretended not to see it. Secretly, he even hoped that they would fight a few more times, and it would be better to lose some manpower, so as not to deal with Aurora all the time. city.

Two days before the four festivals, the inner city that was as lively as the vegetable market became quieter, but everyone knew that this was just the calm before the storm. Ring of contention.

The quieter the atmosphere, the more obvious the lingering sense of oppression. The danger is approaching quietly. Under the calm appearance, there are turbulent undercurrents, and one of the undercurrents flows into the VIP room of the Temple of Light.

In the room, Gong Heng and Bai Ye were discussing matters. Suddenly, Gong Heng sensed a strong aura at the door, and immediately shouted, "Who is it!"

Before he could use his attack method, the closed door opened and closed, and Mu Yi appeared at the door.

Looking at Mu Yi with a gloomy expression, Bai Ye introduced to Gong Heng: "My lord, this is Mu Yi, the sworn brother of Mu Cangyu, the lord of Aurora City, and now the elder of Aurora City."

Gong Heng nodded, squinted his eyes and looked at Mu Yi, "Your Excellency, why did you come here quietly?"

Mu Yi's strength is in the Saint King Realm, as long as he has the heart, no guards will notice his movement, approaching Gong Heng's room can be said to be silent.

"Of course it's an important matter. This matter is very beneficial to both of us. Did the Lord not invite me to sit down?"

Bai Ye and Gong Heng looked at each other, Mu Yi's secret visit was definitely not on Mu Cangyu's order, since he came behind Mu Cangyu's back, the plan would probably be beneficial to them.

Thinking of this, Gong Heng raised his hand seriously, "Your Excellency is easy."

Mu Yi randomly found a stool and sat down, and said straight to the point: "You two, I want to make a deal with you."

"Trading? What can Your Excellency Mu Yi trade with us?" Bai Ye was somewhat disapproving. The City of Aurora was firmly controlled by Mu Cangyu, and Mu Cangyu's cultivation was at the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm. Even Mu Shi was an elder. , can't get much benefit.

"Of course, I have inquired about it. The reason for the envoy to come is a kind of spiritual treasure called the Ring of Yuanling. It is said that it is on my elder brother, but I can tell you for sure that there is absolutely no Yuanling on my elder brother." Ring."

When talking about the ring of the origin spirit, Gong Heng became a little interested, "Why do you see it?"

"My lord does not know. My elder brother loves daughters and becomes obsessed. Twenty years ago, it was because of the Ring of Origin Spirit that my elder brother's daughter was taken to Zhuxian Continent. If my elder brother really has the Ring of Origin Spirit in his hand, it must be It has long been used to exchange for my daughter's free body."

This Bai Ye naturally knew that if it hadn't been for Mu Cangyu's rage 20 years ago, which destroyed most of the high-level members of the Dark Temple, the Bright Temple would not have developed so rapidly, almost unifying the beliefs of the entire Spirit Card Continent.

Gong Heng nodded, "You said that Mu Cangyu doesn't have the Ring of Origin Spirit in his hand, we probably understand that this time, we came here with the mentality of preferring to believe what we have rather than not to believe what we don't have.

Even if there is a one-ten-thousandth possibility of obtaining the Ring of Origin Spirit and even the treasure, our Guangming Temple will not give up. I believe that other descending phantoms have the same mentality. Does Your Excellency Mu Yi want to tell us this? "

"No, the ring of source spirit is not on my elder brother. Heaven knows and the earth knows, you two know me, but the other descending phantoms don't know. As long as we make good use of this news, we will definitely get unimaginable benefits."

Seeing that Mu Yi couldn't get to the point for a long time, Bai Ye couldn't help frowning, "What is your Excellency doing here? Are you just telling us some useless news?"

Mu Yi's expression froze, and a frenzied color flashed across his hazy eyes, "You two, I'm here to seek refuge in the Temple of Light, and I wish to become the most loyal believer of the God of Light!"

Hearing this, Gong Heng almost stood up in shock. With the development of more and more believers in the Lingka Continent, Guangming Martial Venerable also pays more attention to this continent, hoping that the Temple of Light can completely unify the beliefs of the entire continent, but this In addition to the Dark Temple in the middle, there is another hurdle that cannot be overcome, and that is the City of Aurora.

In the past 20 years, the Dark Temple has been weak, and the hindering effect of the City of Aurora has become more and more obvious. But if there are people from them in the City of Aurora, things will be another matter.

He first thought of the huge benefits, and then Gong Heng calmed down again, "What are the conditions for you to join me in the Temple of Light?" Since it is a transaction, there will be rewards only if you pay, Gong Heng and Bai Ye will not be so stupid as to really think that Mu Yi was brainwashed by the teachings of Guangming.

"I only have one condition, the position of city lord!" Mu Yi took a deep breath, as if he had already seen his own bright future.

Bai Ye glanced at Gong Heng, saw the other party nodded slightly, and knew that this matter was feasible, so he kindly stepped forward and invited Mu Yi to take a few steps forward, "Since Your Excellency Mu Yi is here to make a deal Yes, you must have made all the preparations, right?"

Mu Yi nodded, "That's right. As long as we show that the Ring of Origin Spirit is on my elder brother, all the descending phantoms will attack him together. Two fists can't beat four hands. My elder brother will definitely not be able to hold on."

"This..." Gong Heng frowned, "But Mu Cangyu is at the peak of the Saint Emperor Realm after all, even if all the phantoms descending on him attack him, we can't take him down for a while, let him escape, we will be in trouble gone."

"My lord, don't worry, as long as the two of you can attract a group of angels to attack my elder brother, I will naturally have a way to make my elder brother lose his fighting power."

Looking at Mu Yi's crazy and distorted face, Gong Heng sneered in his heart. Unexpectedly, with Mu Cangyu's support and help, he even cultivated a white-eyed wolf by his side, but if there were no people like Mu Yi, they would not be able to break through the aurora The city has a thick and solid line of defense.

At that time, Mu Yi will become the lord of Aurora City, and the lord of Aurora City will also be a member of the Temple of Light. Wouldn't it be possible to unify the forces in the mainland?

Two days later, the four grand gatherings, the banquet that caused turmoil, finally arrived.

The four grand gatherings held every 20 years are the top-level feast for the powerhouses of the entire continent. Here, powerhouses from all over the continent compete and make firm judgments day and night.

From the early morning of this day, the inner city was brightly lit. Waiters in white robes and red belts shuttled back and forth. Continue to appear at the banquet.

The venue of the event is the island at the top, which is the island where Mu Cangyu usually lives.

This island is the largest among the islands, and the largest area on the island is an open-air square. This square paved with unknown materials is even more exquisite and grand than the square paved with white marble.

Three days ago, a waiter scrubbed the gold bricks in the open-air square one by one, and the whole square was cleaned spotlessly. Before entering the square, one had to change into a new set of clothes, hats, shoes and socks.

There are warriors sitting on the ground everywhere in the square. Looking up at the sky, you can also see the ever-changing aurora. It seems that someone has covered the island with an invisible transparent cover, and the colorful aurora is outside. It can be said that this is the most suitable place to appreciate the aurora. place.

In the early morning of the second day, the big forces will arrive one after another, and the four major sects of Aurora City will all send sect experts to welcome the guests.

The high-level strong people basically know each other, and some of them even have a very good relationship. The strong people who come in call for friends, and occasionally meet a few old friends who haven't seen for many years, and there is constant laughter.

Among the local experts in the joyful and bustling Lingka Continent, occasionally there will be a few Saint Realm masters mixed in. These unfamiliar faces are phantoms of descending. The strength of Zhuxian Continent is much higher than Tier [-].

(End of this chapter)

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